Doggy day care (JM)

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Taehyung's parents were out of town so Yeontan was staying at the dorms with the band. During the day, Tae decided to pay a doggy day care to take care of him so he wouldn't be locked in, alone and bored. This morning he had to leave early, so he asked Jimin if he would mind taking him in, which he didn't mind at all, of course.

Jimin put the harness on the dog and walked to the address Tae gave him, as it was only a few blocks away from the dorms. It looked like a residential home, with a big backyard from what he could tell. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently for a bit.

Oh, hello! I'm sorry I took a minute, some naughty little dog was gnawing on a cushion - you said with a bright smile on your face. Jimin was dazzled by it and couldn't help but grin back at you. Before he could say something, you looked down to see Yeontan - you must be Jimin! Taehyung told me you were going to bring this little guy in today. You crouched and picked him up, nuzzling his nose. He giggled at the adorable sight and you looked up and raised an eyebrow curiously.

It's just that...he is so cute - he said awkwardly. You smiled warmly and asked - do you have any pets? - he shook his head. I'm too busy to take care of them, but I'd love to have one - Jimin said sadly. Well, if you need a dose of puppy kisses, you are welcome to drop by anytime - you looked at him in the eye and stayed in silence for a moment. Jimin finally broke eye contact scratching the back of his head - I should probably go to work - he excused himself bowing his head. Nice to meet you, Jimin - you said as he walked away waving goodbye.

Jimin being clumsy as usual and not looking ahead, tripped on the rock path and fell on his elbows and knees. He laughed embarrassed as you put Yeontan down inside and closed the front door behind you to run up to him. Are you okay? - you asked worriedly, placing your hand on his shoulder. He could feel his face burning so he didn't look up as he sat back on the rocks and hid his face in his hands. This happens all the time, I'm fine - he replied as you moved his elbow up to take a better look at it.

You scratched your elbows pretty bad it seems, they are bleeding - you pointed out. Jimin held up his other elbow and inspected it. He giggled nervously - come inside, wash the blood and dirt off  before you go at least - you stood back up and he followed feeling like the biggest fool. You pointed to the door that lead to the bathroom and he went to clean his elbows. He looked at himself in the mirror and glared at his reflection. He washed his face in an attempt to make the redness go away.

When he opened the door you immediately walked in a took some cotton balls and alcohol out of a little closet. Jimin was about to take them off your hands when you walked past him and invited him to sit on the couch. Yeontan hopped on next to him and tried to lick his scratches - no no, Tan - you told him off with the cutest face and voice. Jimin pursed his lips trying not to giggle at it.

Without a warning you patted a drenched cotton ball against his elbow and he flinched. I'm sorry! I should have warned you - you said taking it off immediately. It's okay, don't worry - he said touching your hand accidentally as he tried to take over. You cleared your throat uncomfortably wondering why you were being more awkward than usual. You handed him the ball and he continued disinfecting the wounds.

You sat across him on the coffee table, pretending to look around at the dogs attentively even though they were just fine. You snapped out of your little act when Jimin talked - thank you, I do really have to go now - he said with a small smile, admittedly looking sad that he had to leave.

In the evening, Jimin insisted he'd pick up Yeontan and Tae said there was no need, but they could walk together if he wanted to go out. He tried to make him stay, but he didn't manage to convince him without being obvious. They walked up to your porch and Tae rang the doorbell, side glancing Jimin as he was looking more anxious than usual. He smirked and looked back as he heard the door open.

Good evening, Taehyung - you said happy to see him - oh, hello again, Jimin! - you said way too enthusiastically. Let me get Yeontan ready to go, please come in - you said turning around fast as your face flushed. Tae nudged Jimin chuckling under his breath and he pushed him back before walking in after you, worried you'd hear. Taehyung caught himself on the door frame and followed him with a big boxy smile. You walked out to the backyard.

Now I see why you were so eager to come, Jiminie - Tae said clicking his tongue as soon as you slid the door closed. Jimin glared at him annoyed - you could try to help me out and make it less obvious. You came in holding Yeontan and Taehyung cooed, reaching out to take him from your arms. He pushed Jimin hard with his shoulder as he turned around, grinning amused as the guy took a couple steps forward trying not to fall again. When he looked up your face was too close to his for comfort. He blushed and immediately took a few steps back.

Jimin turned around to scowl at Taehyung but he had walked away and was sitting on the couch with Yeontan and another little dog that had walked up to him. He side smiled at you trying to keep his cool, but it was kind of too late for that. You looked just as nervous, which surprisingly comforted him a bit. You should come have dinner with us, we were just heading to a restaurant a couple of blocks away from here. They are pet friendly - Tae lied pointing at your dog and his playing.

Jimin turned around waiting for your answer and he found your eyes - yeah, sure, that would be nice - he hurried to say. You nodded and smiled awkwardly - I guess, why not - to which Jimin smiled brightly at you.  You smiled back at him feeling a little more at ease. You facepalmed yourself realizing you had never introduced yourself to Jimin and told him your name. He chuckled and reassured you it was okay.

When you were at the restaurant Tae excused himself and disappeared for a long while, leaving you two alone to talk. Jimin was ready to kill him as he was relentlessly forcing you two to interact. Taehyung walked past you and when he saw everything was looking good, he waved - I don't feel very well, you enjoy dinner without me - leaving with a tight smile on his face, which gave Jimin the certainty that it was a big fat lie. He stared at him with wide, threatening eyes and his friend chuckled and turned to walk away.

 He stared at him with wide, threatening eyes and his friend chuckled and turned to walk away

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