Daydream struggles (HS)

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Hobi was really stressed lately working on the different choreographies for the new songs and therefore not in the mood to be "hopeful". Unfortunately, with the promo of the new album, the band was having a lot of interviews and appearing on different tv shows and he was really struggling to play the part.

This in turn made him even more stressed and it became a vicious cycle of wanting to be okay, but not being okay, then having to pretend to be okay and feeling worse because he's not one to lie. He's not even good at it.

He was having trouble sleeping well at night so you made sure you took good care of him. Brushing his hair with your fingers and petting him so he could fall asleep feeling more relaxed, which is something her mom used to do when he was little and it still stuck with him sub-consciously.

You were making dinner when he came back from work, he walked in the kitchen and hugged you from behind, rocking you from one side to the other as he laid his head on yours after planting a kiss on it. He didn't say anything. Dinner should be ready in about 10 minutes - you announced as you stirred the pot over the stove.

Hobi took out a couple plates from the cupboards and left them on the counter for you, then set the rest of the table. You didn't have to do that - you told him off knowing he'd had a long day of work. I wanted to, you're cooking for me, you also didn't have to do that - he gave you a small smile and tightened his hold on you humming softly - thank you, jagi.

You smiled to yourself and looked over your shoulder, reaching up to pat his cheek lovingly. You are going to fall asleep if you keep rocking like that with your eyes closed - you teased him as he hummed "Blue Side". He grumbled at that - well, that sounds good to be honest - he said dryly. He let go of you as you reached for the plates and served them, he took them from your hands when they were ready and headed to the table.

He kept nodding off while he ate, you wished you could do more for him. You grabbed his free hand and he looked up at you, smiling with sleepy eyes. Once he was done you sent him to bed and told him you'd be there after washing up. When you walked into the room he was still awake, turning in bed uncomfortably, trying to find a position that worked.

You laid next to him and he cuddled with you, laying his head on your chest so you could stroke his hair and run your fingers along his arm. There was a small smile on his face and his features were already softer. You kissed his cheek softly and he smirked without opening his eyes. After a bit he was deeply asleep. You were worried about him.

The next day they were at a talk show, you turned on the tv to see how they'd do. At some point the host asked Hobi - your famous introductory phrase is "I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope" - she began and Hobi nodded following her - what's your hope? He kept nodding and blurted out your name. The host smiled excitedly at the news, but all the members couldn't help but freeze, widening their eyes at what he had just said. You gasped gapping at the tv.

When Hobi realized what had come out of his mouth his eyes widened too. So who is she? - the lady asked wanting to know more about this exclusive. He laughed nervously, he wasn't sure how to cover this up. Someone who helps me stay positive and upbeat - he said forcing a smile. Can you tell us more about who this special someone is? - he was annoyed she wouldn't stop pushing him with the questions. Maybe I will, one day - he said avoiding the question and grinning trying to sound mysterious.

Once the show was over, they were all back in the van and Hobi was mortified. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. What was that? - Jin asked in shock. I don't know, I'm so tired I barely make sense - he replied ashamed. We'll have to release a statement after this - Namjoon said deep in thought. Hobi sighed and replied - I will figure this out, I'm sorry, guys - he was so frustrated. He had just put a bigger burden on his back.

Maybe you should take the day off - Yoongi suggested feeling bad for him - you need to get more sleep. The younger nodded at that and Namjoon instructed the driver to stop by the dorms first to drop him off. Hobi flopped on his bed in his and Jimin's shared room feeling like he ruined everything for you two. He was not looking forward to discussing this with you.

His phone rang and he reached for it without looking up, blindly patting his night-table until he felt it under his hand. Hello? - he said not knowing who to expect at this point - Hobi - you said with a surprised tone. He groaned and choked - I screwed up, I'm sorry - he couldn't help but cry in frustration. No, Hobi, it's gonna be okay - you tried to reassure him - where are you? The studio? - you asked planning to go see him. I'm at the dorms, actually, they gave me the day off - he said unable to feel any relief about being able to rest. I'll be there as soon as I can - you said.

You rang the doorbell and your boyfriend opened the door for you looking extremely guilty. You quickly closed the door after coming in and wrapped your arms around him. Don't worry about me, do what you have to do - you said trying to make things easier for him, the issue was what Big Hit would say, what ARMY would say, whatever he chose to do would be fine by you.

He hugged you back tightly - I will need to make some sort of statement about us - he said warily. You pulled back to look at his exhausted eyes - what do you want to do? - you asked. I'm not sure, I didn't mean to announce our relationship - he muttered running his hand down his face. You could say I'm a supportive sibling? - you offered and he looked down at you feeling grateful that you were so understanding - I'm not sure I can do that, specially to you - he finished as he let go of you. But I don't mind, jagi - you objected.

He looked at you and smiled sweetly, he held your waist and kissed your forehead before turning to go to his room. We'll see, I do really need to get some sleep - he said and you followed him. He laid down on his side and you snuggled behind him, rubbing his back soothingly. You both fell asleep, needing a pause from reality.

 You both fell asleep, needing a pause from reality

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So many elements about Hobi in this story, hehe, can you spot them? I caught up with his V Live explaining his mixtape (years later, I know) and I was inspired, hehe.

To be continued...

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