World Tour (YG/Pt. 2)

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When you landed you both went separate ways, once you checked in at the hotel and was given your key, you made your way to your room. It was the night before the first concert. You laid on your bed and pulled out your phone.

- Are you in your room already? - you texted Yoongi.

- Yes. Is your room okay? - he texted back shortly after.

- It is, very comfortable. What are you doing?

- Working on some music

- Can I see you?

- You can't come to my room, I told you. I can call - he reminded you

- We are in the same hotel, I would have stayed in Korea to see you through my phone - he rolled his eyes at your reply.

- Maybe you should have - he replied slightly annoyed, he'd gone over this with you already, no meeting him where people expect him to be, no arguments over it.

He started to worry a little, maybe this was a bad idea. At least you were still in Asia and you could always head back to Korea if things didn't work out before they left for other continents. Had he really thought this through? He sighed and sat down on his bed to look out the window at the city. He remembered a little sushi place a couple of blocks away.

- There's a sushi restaurant we could meet at - he messaged you.

He gave you the exact address and you arranged to meet there in an hour. You showered and changed into some fresh clothes. You were surprised he had offered to dine out, you barely did that in Seoul. But then again, there was no other way to meet in these circumstances.

You left the hotel and headed towards the restaurant. You had chosen some plain dark blue jeans ripped at the knees, a pair of black and maroon Jordan sneakers that Yoongi got you, an over-sized patterned sweater, a black cap and a black face-mask. Sober and low profile. You put some light make up on.

The restaurant was lovely, it looked nice and private. You walked around until you found your boyfriend sitting at a booth round the corner from the back, this place was bigger than it looked like from the outside. There was a long fishtank separating this section from the front. You slid on the seat in front of him while looking at the fish.

He raised his eyes to see it was you, the blue lights reflected against your bright eyes. The place was dimly lit for dinner time. You faced him as you lowered your mask, flashing him a smile as you tilted your head to find his eyes. He looked up and gave you a small smile, then turned his eyes back to the menu. Something was bothering him, you could tell.

- What is it? - you asked without hesitating. Mhm? - is all he replied without looking up. Tell me, I know you need to say something - you insisted confidently. Yoongi looked up with a raised eyebrow and sighed, you could see right through him. You scanned the menu giving him some time to find his words.

I don't know if this was a good idea - he muttered seriously. Your eyes shot up to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed - what? - you looked surprised and maybe a little hurt. I can't just, go out every night. I'm already tired and the concerts haven't even started, I don't have the energy to go out after that - he explained while fidgeting with his hands.

It's okay - you simply replied - I can imagine. I was honestly surprised when you suggested we come here. He looked at your calm face and felt relieved. We'll spend all day preparing for the concerts, so we can be together whenever you're taking a break - you added and smiled at him. He was gonna say something, but you continued - and I've been looking at things to do in the next few destinations, I don't want to be in the way, you know. I've already mentioned it to the staff and a couple people were happy to join me - you finally finished and looked at Yoongi.

He chuckled - I see you have it all figured out - he locked eyes with you and gave you a loving side smile. You know, I did listen to what you said, I always do - you told him and narrowed your eyes. He shook his head lost in thought and you finished - don't worry about me, I'm just happy to be around. I don't want to be a burden. Just do what you have to do and I'll be there for you. He smiled warmly and nodded. Once you ordered and the waiter was gone, he placed his hand facing up on the table. You giggled and teased him - but we're in public! - you feigned shock.

He glared at you and you placed your hand in his, happy to feel his touch. Thank you - he said out of nowhere. For what? - you smiled and tilted your head. For understanding - he paused for a second - that's all I need - he said and replied - I would kiss you if I could - you cooed and he looked at you amused, shaking his head at your silly tone.

You had a nice, quiet meal, discussing your plans and his plans for the next few months. It was going to be a new experience for both of you and you were nervous about it, but you were going to make it work as long as that meant you could be there to support each other.

Yoongi came back from the restroom looking around, you frowned - what is it? - he leaned in - wait a minute and follow me - he whispered and turned to walk back to the restroom. What was that, you chuckled to yourself confused. Once a minute had passed, you got up and headed to where the curtains that separated the restroom area were. You parted them and noticed there was a small lounge area with a bench and a coat rack.

The second he saw you, he pulled you down to sit on the bench with him and brought you closer for a kiss, placing his hands on the nape of your neck. He bit your bottom lip softly and made his way inside your mouth as he deepened the kiss. You made out for a while until someone came in the lounge and you both pushed each other away looking down embarrassed. He cursed under his breath as the person disappeared into one of the doors.

We should get back to the hotel - he sighed and ran his tongue through his bottom lip nervously. You nodded and he said - you go first, I'll leave in five minutes - he kissed your cheek and looked down, pretending to browse his phone as he was still flushed after your little session. You walked out and took a deep breath, heading for the door as you covered your rosy cheeks and swollen lips with your mask .

You laid on your bed unable to sleep, thinking about how close he was and how frustrating this would be. Yoongi rolled in his own bed unable to find a comfortable position as the same kind of thoughts ran through his head. Questioning again whether this had been a dumb decision, he needed to rest and focus on work and he wasn't off to a good start.

 Questioning again whether this had been a dumb decision, he needed to rest and focus on work and he wasn't off to a good start

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One last part coming tomorrow...!

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