Japan fling (TH)

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The band was currently in Japan, for the release of their new album in Japanese. They were exiting a building after an interview, the fans had found out and they were crowded outside, awaiting for the members. The bodyguards tried to keep them from approaching the guys. Taehyung crouched to tie his loose shoelaces before climbing down the stairs, when he got up he was crushed against the wall by a girl who lunged herself to kiss him.

Just as a bodyguard ran back when he noticed he was left behind, Tae grabbed the girl by her upper arms and pulled her away with a stern look. Oppa - she whined. The man escorted the girl away and Tae trotted to the car a little shaken by the situation. Thankfully the press was too busy taking pictures of the rest of the members to notice the incident.

He was quiet during the car ride, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked out the window and thought about what had happened. A sasaeng had never got that close to him before. He felt violated and uncomfortable. The last thing he needed was a scandal and rumors to be spread about him being with some girl he had never seen in his life.

You were scrolling through Twitter when the page suggested a tweet, you saw a preview of a picture that looked like your boyfriend. You opened it curiously and your face dropped. It looked like a picture a fan had secretly taken of him. He was pressed against a wall, holding a girl in his arms, wildly kissing her and his eyes were shut tight. Tears welled up in your eyes. As you read the comments "TaeTae has a girlfriend?", "Who is she?", "She's pretty!", "Noo, oppa, why!", "I'm so happy for him, aww", "He's all grown up, our tete!".

You dropped your phone and started crying hard. You curled up in your bed under the comforter and sobbed, you couldn't stop crying. Your throat hurt, you were choking on the saliva, your nose dripped and your sight was blurry from how red and swollen your eyes were. Your pillow was soaked with your tears but you laid on it, you didn't care. Your phone, still on the floor, rang and knowing it was probably your boyfriend, you threw a pillow at it growling angrily.

Tae looked at his phone and double checked his watch, he called at the same time every day, he was confused about why you wouldn't pick up. He shrugged it off and figured he'd try a little later, maybe something had come up. When he arrived to the hotel later that night, he was so tired he laid on his bed for a second and fell asleep, not waking up until the next morning. As he rubbed his eyes, he grabbed his phone and saw there were no messages from you.

He texted you and went to take a shower, hoping you'd reply shortly. Meanwhile, you were getting out of the shower, you looked at your phone and saw Taehyung had messaged you a few times. You growled at your phone and deleted them without reading them, then threw it to your bed, a pang of pain hitting your chest as you remembered the picture.

As you brushed your hair, you looked at your miserable face in the mirror, it was puffy and your eyes were still pink, despite not having cried since last night. Of course dating an idol was too good to be true, why would you think there was going to be any exclusivity? Was he sneaking behind your back doing these things, hiding from the press?

You turned around not wanting to look at your plain and ugly face anymore. You weren't blind, you knew he was often seen as the most attractive and he could simply get anyone he wanted. Plus no one knew he was in a relationship, so he could get away with it without ruining his image. Everything was in his favor, wasn't it?

Your phone rang again and you screamed exasperated and left your room, slamming the door behind you. You left for work without your phone, you needed a break from him, from social media and you didn't want to talk to anyone anyway. If they needed you, they could come get you or wait until you were back home.

I can't reach her - Tae said looking at his empty inbox and voicemail concerned - let her breath, you're smothering her - Yoongi said in a strange way of telling him that you just needed some space. He turned around to look at his hyung with furrowed eyebrows. Maybe you're right - Tae mumbled and put his phone down. He resolved he would just let you contact him whenever you had a minute, not to bother you. He had already sent a bunch of messages and called a couple of times since yesterday anyway. You'd see that eventually.

When they landed back in Korea the next day, Tae decided to call you to see if he could drop by to spend the evening with you. He couldn't help but worry about you, he was hoping you were okay. You picked up the phone at last and before he could say hi you spat:

- What do you want? - your voice cracked and angry.

- Jagi! I was worried about you, are you okay? - he said shocked at your tone.

- Are you really? - you growled and hung up on him.

Tae looked down at his phone confused, Jimin caught a glimpse of his face and walked up to him - what's wrong? - he asked. I need to go see her, I don't know exactly - he said looking up at his friend and making a face. Jimin grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it - what did you do to her? - he said and Tae scowled at him. He asked to be dropped at your place right away and he gulped before knocking on the door. He'd never heard you like this.

You were sitting there in the living room, cuddled in the couch wrapped in a blanket crying your heart out, the nerve he had, pretending he'd done absolutely nothing. You heard the door - go away! - you yelled at it straining your voice. It's me! Open up - he said in a soft voice. You flung a cushion at the door, he heard a loud thud from the other side - I said leave, Taehyung! - you said with your raspy voice. Let me hug this out with you - he said placing his forehead on the door, not knowing how to make you feel better. Go hug your flings - you screamed at the top of your lungs.

Tae's heart dropped - what? - he breathed out and started banging the door. Let me in, it's not what you think - you scoffed and said - it never is what others think, right? You got up and walked away to lock yourself up in your room, his voice made your stomach and chest ache. Please - he banged on the door desperately - I've missed you - he muttered softly. You stopped for a second at that and tears started running freely down your face - easy, get yourself a replacement - you said now sounding pitiful and deeply hurt. Tae's heart broke at your words.

 Tae's heart broke at your words

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To be continued...

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