Japan fling (TH/Cont.)

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Taehyung stood there for a while, grabbing at his chest. He finally turned around and ran downstairs and out of the building. He needed to go to the dorms and grab the spare key he had. Within the hour, he was back in front of your apartment. He turned the lock open and walked in quietly, looking around for you. He walked up to your room and could hear you sobbing.

His eyebrows furrowed and he grimaced hurting for you. He carefully pushed the door open and saw you were curled up in a ball on your bed, your room was a mess and so were you. He sat down next to you and reached out to touch your back which was facing the door. Jagi - he said and you flinched and slapped his hand away before he could make contact. What are you doing here? I don't want you here - you said looking over your shoulder in between tears.

What did you see? - he asked softly. You laughed humorlessly as you sat up and kicked away from where he was, looking at him in disbelief. He pouted hurt at your face which contorted in pain - you need to know which one it is not to screw up further? - you spat raising the tone of your voice. You flung your phone in front of him and he picked it up, swiping it to unlock it.

He saw the photo and gasped - no - he whispered to himself. You choked on your saliva scoffing and got up to walk away. He sprang up to reach for your wrist and you tried to push him away, he caught your other wrist before you could hit him and looked into your eyes. Don't - you said looking away and struggling to break free from his tight hold.

Listen to me - he said shaking you ever so slightly and raising his tone of voice for the first time since he came. You looked up with fire in your eyes, furious that he dared talk to you like that. She was a goddamn sasaeng - he said when he finally had your attention. Your face dropped - she what? - you said softly, as soft as your raw throat allowed. She lunged herself at me before I could stop her, she came out of nowhere when I was accidentally left behind the guys - he explained more calmly now. Your eyes filled up with tears again.

I didn't think it was worth mentioning while I was away, since the press were busy taking pictures of everyone else, I didn't think a fan could have used their phone - he said feeling bad about not having said anything as soon as he could. He tried to find your eyes but you were looking down, tears falling from your face. He let go of your wrists and brought you against his chest for a hug. I'm sorry - he whispered as he rubbed your back.

You sobbed against his now damp clothes - no - you said and he pulled away looking down at you concerned. I'm sorry I screamed at you, I should have listened - you said and took a deep breath - I panicked, I never understood why you'd choose me over anyone else - you said sharing your insecurities with him for the first time. His eyes widened and he lifted your chin up so you'd look at him. You blinked trying to clear your eyes but it didn't help.

He brushed your tears off with his thumbs as he cupped your cheeks - you never told me you felt this way - he said softly, there was hurt in his eyes. You laughed softly - I mean, I'm pretty average, next to the "Most Handsome Man in the World" - you rolled your eyes at how unlikely that combination was and averted his gaze. He leaned to a side to bring your eyes back to him, his eyebrows were knitted together. Stop reading articles and comments - he said trying to swallow his anger at whatever was going around.

You sighed and pressed your lips together as his eyes stared at you intensely. Seriously, you are anything, but average, it's me who wonders why you'd choose to be with me - he said without taking his eyes off you. You scoffed and he scowled at you - who would want to be with someone that's gone months at a time and barely has time for them at all - you were going to object, but he cut you off - someone that keeps them hidden, who can't take them out on a normal date and be there when needed  - he trailed off and dropped his hands. Turning around and rubbing his face.

You wrapped your arm around his and laid your head against his shoulder, looking at his now soft and hurt gaze. I don't care that it's not normal - you said drawing quotes in the air - I would do anything just to be with you - he smiled softly at that. You're absolutely perfect in my eyes, I wish you knew that yourself - he said turning to grab your waist, his eyes fixed on yours adoringly.

He wobbled to the bed without letting you go, let himself fall on it bringing you down with him and hugged you tightly. He kissed your cheek - maybe you could try trusting me next time? - he teased half-joking, but half-serious. You looked at him with sad eyes and a slight pout. Taehyung chuckled - is this a trap? You looked really scary earlier - he made a face trying to make you smile. Your lips curled at the sides as you bit them not to say anything at that and you shook your head amused.

He pressed his lips against yours, taking them away from your teeth with his and releasing them. Then brushing them along  your jaw before going back to your mouth again. I've missed you - he whispered before kissing you eagerly, pulling you as close as physically possible. You broke apart to breath - I've missed you too, I - you were shut up by Tae resuming the kiss before you could say anything. He didn't want to talk, he wanted to show you how much you meant to him. To somehow convince you that you were worth much more than you thought.

 To somehow convince you that you were worth much more than you thought

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