International playboy (NSFW/JK)

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It had been about six months since Jungkook and you had started dating and you'd not gone beyond fooling around. You were starting to feel self-conscious about it and wondered if your boyfriend was attracted to your body. He had never shown any interest in seeing it.

Your half year anniversary was coming up, so you decided to get some lingerie to surprise him. You chose a lacey black and white set with boyfriend cut panties that came complete with thigh high athletic ribbed socks, you thought he'd really like the look considering you caught him looking at you at the gym frequently. You figured your high heel sneakers would wrap up the look nicely. You threw a cute choker that was at the register in and paid.

You were sitting in your living room anxiously looking at the clock, waiting for your boyfriend to come to your place for a nice night in to celebrate. You had put on a big hoodie he had left behind last time he visited over your lingerie. Your hair was in a cute side ponytail tied with a black and a white ribbon and you had put some light make up on. You tapped your fingers on the armrest. He should be there any minute now, he had texted you letting you know he was leaving the studio not so long ago.

You felt a click on the door as he opened it slightly and his head poked in, when he saw you were there he opened the door fully, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand and a card. An idea his hyungs had suggested. You stood up smiling brightly and he gawked at the fact that you weren't wearing bottoms and his hoodie barely covered you. He did a little jump back.

You walked up to him and he observed the way your legs moved in those high heel sneakers. He shook his head and looked up at you when you grabbed his shoulders and massaged them briefly. His golden skin had a layer of pink over his cheeks, so did the tip of his ears and nose. He tried to keep his cool. Welcome home, Kookie - you said smiling coyly and kissed his lips way too sexily. He gulped and smiled awkwardly, there was no way he could hide his burning face. Hi - he said doing his best to keep his voice stable, he had practice with that at least.

I got you these - he handed you the bouquet and card and you thanked him, kissing his cheek. You took them and you walked to the kitchen to find a vase to put the flowers in, as your hips swayed and the hoodie lifted slightly, he could peek at your butt-cheeks. It was getting hot here, he figured he would shoot two birds with one stone and took his pullover off and wrapped it around his waist, the sleeves hanging and covering the growing bulge in his pants.

You came back in the room and you placed the vase on a side table - they are lovely, Kookie, I like the mix of flowers you picked. And the card! - you turned around and walked back, wrapping your arms lazily around his neck - your message was so sweet - you pecked him. He let out a forced giggle. You thought it was adorable how nervous he got, so you didn't comment on it, you turned around and put some distance between you two so he could have a better view.

You slowly took the hoodie off over your head. Time seemed to go in slow motion as he saw you take it off, the first thing he saw was the tattoo that you had on the higher part of your right thigh. That's hot, he thought. Your panties hung low on your hips, your lower abdomen was nice and toned. Your belly button was the cutest shape, your body dipped in to show your hourglass shape. You finally unveiled your breasts which bounced slightly as the hoodie pulled off from them.

He bit his lower lip and hid his fidgeting hands behind his back. You ran your hand through your ponytail fixing it after you threw the hoodie to the couch and did a little twirl to show off to Jungkook, whose eyes were fixed on your body, he was speechless. You walked over and your whole body accompanied your moves, your breasts did.

Gosh, he couldn't, "don't don't don't" he thought as he skipped on his legs in a tiny motion. Do you like it? - you cupped his warm cheeks and brought his eyes to yours, pecking him again - I was thinking... - you walked with your fingers down his jaw and neck - ...that maybe we could finally... - you continued, but Jungkook interrupted you as he couldn't help himself and spat - I h-have to go to the bathroom - he cut you off and speed-walked, holding the sleeves of his pullover on his waist to hide himself. You were left pouting and confused.

He closed the door cursing, he'd come in his pants. He looked around and he noticed the laundry basket, he fumbled through it praying that his clothes were there. He found his underwear and sighed relieved. He changed himself and cleaned his current pair, hanging it in the shower to dry. His heart was gonna jump out of his chest. Are you okay, Kookie? - you asked from the other side, your tone worried. He cleared his throat - yes, I'm fine, yes - he replied hurriedly not to sound suspicious, but instead he sounded desperate. He clenched his jaw and ground his teeth in frustration.

Can I come in? - you asked expectant. Yes...I guess so - he said and his voice cracked, he pursed his lips giving up on pretending. You opened the door and found Jungkook standing there, his doe eyes big and pathetic. You placed your hands on his waist and and looked at him - what's wrong, jagi? - you said feeling insecure. He stared at his feet. Do you...not like my body? - you asked as your voice gradually lost volume. What? No, no. Are you kidding? - his face shot up and he looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. It's soooo hot - he said with a little groan prolonging the "o", chuckling awkwardly and shakily placing his hands on the sides of your ribcage.

You chuckled and played with the collar of his t-shirt nervously - then what is it? - your eyes looking at your hand. It was easier not to be looking in your eyes, as cowardly as that sounded to him. He was no golden maknae, he worked his hardest to be deserving of that title he got. I'm a virgin - the last word almost inaudible. You raised your eyes and now he was looking down, his face a brighter red than before. You could feel the heat radiating from it.

Oh, Kookie, what a relief - he looked up at you bewildered, you were quick to continue - I thought you didn't like what you saw. He felt like he had to make it up to you, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You lifted his chin up and whispered - do you trust me? - he nodded and you took his hands, walking back and out of the bathroom and leading him to your room.

 You lifted his chin up and whispered - do you trust me? - he nodded and you took his hands, walking back and out of the bathroom and leading him to your room

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Writing the continuation at the moment...

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