Car crash (JK)

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Jungkook and the band were on tour when he got a call from a man he didn't know. His heart dropped at what he said and he could barely make his way to where the guys were before he broke down. He walked in the room and he choked as his glassy eyes finally let the tears roll down his cheeks. Jungkookie? - said Jin frowning when he looked up and saw him, he stood up and walked to where he was, placing his hands on his shoulders - what's wrong? - he asked as the maknae could not get a word out.

He circled one of his arms around him and walked him to one of the couches where they were all sitting down, looking at him concerned. There was a car accident - Jungkook managed to say as he reached for a box of tissues Jimin had found for him. What? An accident? - Jimin said, his eyes widening. Jungkook tried to explain what he was told on the phone, about you being taken to the hospital because there was a crash. He was on the other side of the world and felt helpless.

We can postpone the dates for the next few days - Namjoon said firmly. No, we don't have time, we have more concerts after that - Jungkook shook his head denying the possibility. I'll talk to Bang PD nim, we can come back - Jin thought quickly - you have to go see her, one of us can come with you. He took a shaky deep breath - okay, thank you, hyung - he exhaled, his hands were trembling.

Jin talked to Namjoon so that he'd go with Jungkook, he knew he'd feel better with him by his side more than with anyone else. He didn't feel right leaving them behind as the leader, specially now that they needed his English, but Jin assured him that they would be okay. Everything would be on hold for the next few days and they would be waiting for them.

Jungkook and his hyung were flying back to Korea hours later. Namjoon could see the tortured look on the younger one, his eyes puffy from crying. He was tapping his foot nervously, staring blankly through the window. Did you get any more news? - he asked softly, Kookie looked at his phone and then at his hyung - no, I don't know how she's doing - he said choking a little and holding back more tears. Joon nodded and brought him in for a hug, his eyebrows furrowed. He had too little information to reassure him in any other way.

The man had provided the address of the hospital where you were taken and Namjoon made sure that a car was ready to pick them up at the airport so they could head there as soon as they landed in Korea. They got there after a long flight, the press was waiting, curious about why the tour had been interrupted and two of the members were back in the country. They quickly walked past them and got into the car.

Hundreds of photos were probably taken of Jungkook's exhausted look and red eyes, he didn't want to care, he was hurt and angry. He wanted to see you, but he worried about what this would mean for the band. The eldest noticed him frowning and he patted him on the back - we'll take care of it, Kook, don't worry about that. Seriously - he assured him and Jungkook made a pained face and nodded.

They walked into the hospital and once they were instructed on how to reach the bedroom you were in, they made their way there as soon as possible. They were standing at the door, Jungkook's hand on the handle, Namjoon behind him, his hands on the maknae's shoulders. Do you want to go in on your own or... - he began to speak and Jungkook nodded before he could finish. Okay - he took his hands off him and patted his back before walking to the waiting room.

Jungkook opened the door carefully and his eyes widened as he took your state in. There were bruises and scratches all over every inch of skin he could see. Your chest was wrapped tightly with bandages and you looked rather stiff as there were casts on one of your arms and feet. He walked up to you slowly, not wanting to believe his eyes.

He brought a chair close to your bedside and took your hand in his carefully, whispering your name. When you didn't answer, he hoped you were just asleep and not completely out. He hugged your arm and laid his head down next to it, his eyes stinging with tears as he closed them and tried to relax. He ended up falling asleep after a bit, exhaustion taking over as he hadn't been able to sleep at all during the flight.

He opened his eyes when he felt a hand brushing his hair back. He straightened himself and blinked to focus his eyes - Kookie? What are you doing here? - you said, your lip quivering as your eyes welled up with tears. How could I not be? - he said smiling through the tears, he stood up and leaned down to kiss your forehead. You winced and he pulled away immediately, finding your eyes - what happened? - he asked, his eyes full of concern.

I'm not sure, I remember seeing another car coming from the opposite direction to mine. They crashed on the seat opposite of mine and I hit my head against the door and blacked out. My car is totaled - you were saying and Jungkook cut you off with a horrified look on his face - that doesn't matter, it can be replaced, you can't. You looked at him and your eyes softened, he was scared for you.

I'll be fine, jagi, don't worry - you comforted him, stroking his arm. He eyed your injured body with furrowed eyebrows. I broke a couple ribs, my right arm and a few bones on my left foot, but the rest are scratches and bruises - you gave him a small smile, but he still looked at you with a miserable expression on his face. He sat back down, his hand wrapped around yours once more, looking away and staring into space.

There's the tour, I can't be away for more than a few days, I know thousands of fans have been waiting to see us and there's no way to make it up to them - he said thinking out loud. It's okay - you said rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand - no, it's not, we are so far away and there's no time to fly back and forth - you could hear desperation in his voice.

Look at me - you stopped him and he instantly turned to meet your eyes. You don't have to stay, I'll video call every day so you know I'm fine, my mom came to Seoul to help me once I get to go home. It should be some time this late afternoon - you said. Jungkook felt angry and powerless as he couldn't change anything about the situation to make it better.

I'll stay with you tonight, at least, help you out - he offered. You nodded and patted his hand - my mother should be here any minute now, we can tell her you'll help me until you leave - you said just as the door opened and you both turned around.

Hello, dear, how are you feeling? - the lady said as she looked through her purse for something. Jungkook got up to his feet and the noise of the chair being pushed back made her look up. He bowed down and greeted your mom respectfully, but she made a face. You sighed as she spoke - oh, this young man must be...Jungwoo. You would have facepalmed if you could - Jungkook, mother. His name is Jungkook, you should remember by now - you corrected her annoyed.

 His name is Jungkook, you should remember by now - you corrected her annoyed

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