Farm boy turned idol (TH/Pt. 2)

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When you got out of the local station, an old beat down truck was waiting for you two. You were taken aback - don't you think you should get them a new truck? - you asked feeling the contrast of your leaving his dorm and your arrival. He looked at you amused - it works perfectly fine, are you a spoiled brat now that you've had a taste of dating me? - he said cockily. You turned your head around slowly to look at him- Taehyung! - you scolded him and slapped his arm.

Tae held his hurting arm laughing at you - I'm kidding, of course I'm kidding - he said catching his breath. It has a certain charm to it, don't you think? - he pointed out as he held his stomach that still ached from laughing hard. You shook your head smiling to yourself and considered his words "this man is all about aesthetic, ain't he?" you thought, but then again, deep down you knew there was so much more to him.

A man with lose fitting pants and a shirt got out of the car and greeted Taehyung like an old friend. Mr. Kim, it's been so long! - he took your suitcases and put them in the back of the truck, Tae patted his back and grinned - it's good to see you again, Sungmin! How many times do I have to tell you you can call me Taehyung. He shook his head - I've known you since you were a little boy, I wouldn't feel comfortable - he replied respectfully. Tae shook his head and giggled - and that is exactly why you should - he said failing to convince him yet again.

Tae took your hand and brought you closer - Sungmin, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend - you blushed at the way he was so ceremonious about it. You shook Sungmin's hand, he smiled widely, a proud look on his face - you are very pretty, miss, it's nice to meet you at last. I hope Mr. Kim is treating you well - he commented. Uh, Sungmin? What are you trying to say? - Tae spat being playfully offended. Sungmin laughed - oh, I've know you since you were little - is all he said and Tae's face flushed at their mutual understanding, crossing his arms over his chest. You had no idea what was going through their heads, but you chuckled and kissed your boyfriend's rosy cheek.

You looked back at the man - he treats me like a gentleman, no need to worry - Tae smiled proudly and when you finished, he noticed you were trying not to laugh. His face dropped and he stared at you, you quickly pecked him sweetly and he grunted - you are mine though - you whispered with a smile and the corners of his lips curled.

Taehyung climbed on the truck and grabbed your hand to pull you up so you'd sit next to him, he was sitting in between Sungmin and you. He started the truck and got back on the road. They both talked for a while, catching up, you remained silent not wanting to interrupt. After a while you turned on a dirt road. You caught a glimpse of the lit farmhouse from afar and in between the trees. It looked old, but it was properly maintained. You thought the Kim family must have had it for several generations.

He pulled over in front of the it and got off to take your suitcases from the back of the truck. You opened the door and hopped off, Tae followed and hurried to Sungmin. I'll take them inside, don't worry. Go get some rest, it's late - he told Sungmin and the man smiled and bowed thanking him. Mikyung has prepared your grandmother's bedroom, she put fresh sheets on the bed and towels in the bathroom. Good night, Mr. Kim. Miss - he informed him and walked back around the truck to then drive off.

Tae had been standing there holding both suitcases without moving since Sungmin talked. You walked up to him and curled your arms around him from the back, hugging him tenderly. Are you okay? - you asked softly. He ran the back of his hand through his face and turned to look at you, there was sadness in his eyes - I haven't been here in years - he said in a deep, low voice. He broke free from your embrace and headed to the house. You followed and he opened the door, you closed it after him and turned on the light so he would see where he walked.

The inside of the house was beautiful too, the floors were made of rustic hard wood. There was a cozy fireplace with lots of little trinkets sitting on top. An old cabinet was against the opposite wall, it held beautiful tableware, obviously the type grandmothers have. There were also several porcelain figurines. All the surfaces were covered with pretty handmade cloths. A thick rug laid on the floor underneath the coffee table in between the fireplace, a couch and an armchair that was facing the window. The curtains were closed as it was late.

You heard Tae sniff as he kept walking into the next room. It was a lovely and homey kitchen, plates hung on the walls as decor and the dishcloths, tablecloth and curtains also looked handmade. You scurried after your boyfriend when you noticed you had stayed behind admiring your surroundings. You caught him just as he was turning into one of the rooms down the hallway. He placed the suitcases on a bench by a big closet as you turned on the lights for him.

The frame of the bed was carved with flowers and the comforter and pillows had a floral design as well with lace decorating the edges. The wallpaper was an old yellowed green, but the overall feel was very homey. You placed your mini backpack on the dresser and admired the cloth that covered it and the carved frame of the oval shaped mirror that hung over it. You ran your hands through the various items laid on it. It almost looked like this room was still in use.

You heard the bed creak and turned around to see Taehyung already snugged on his side in bed, holding one of the pillows tightly. A lamp turned on on the night-table next to him. You turn off the light of the room not to bother him with it and change into your pijamas with the dim light coming from the other side of the bed. You walk around it to turn it off and then back to get into bed. You snuggle close to Tae and hug him from his back. You feel him place his feet against your legs in an attempt to feel closer to you.

His breathing is a little jumpy, but not enough for you to have noticed before you were holding him. You hear him sniffle from time to time as you stroke his chest trying to comfort him.

 You hear him sniffle from time to time as you stroke his chest trying to comfort him

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Okay, so this will require at least two other parts, eeh. Not that I planned it, but I really wanted to describe what was going on around.

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