Work yourself sick (JM)

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Jimin was feeling miserable that morning, but he refused to stay in, so you decided to go with him to the studio to keep an eye on him while he practised. You sat on the floor against the opposite wall of the mirror and kept yourself busy on your laptop while he diligently worked on his choreography. You'd look up from the screen every few minutes to see his face through the mirror, he was so focused he didn't seem to notice you even did that. He was very pale and the expression on his face made it clear that he was struggling, but determined as always.

Suddenly, Jimin sprinted and stumbled over the trash bin. You put your laptop aside in a hurry and ran over to him just as he got sick in it. Jimin-ah! - you exclaimed kneeling beside him and placing a hand on his back. Please, you can't work like this - you begged him as you felt his rib cage shake with every breath. You offered him a tissue and he wiped his mouth as you took care of everything. He didn't move or talk in the meantime.

When you sat next to him on the floor, he laid his head on your lap and you brushed his hair back, tracing shapes with your fingers. He soon fell asleep under the relaxing touch, his breathing was slower, but was now paired with occasional wheezing. You looked at the frown on his face as he slept restlessly, as he did lately. He put himself under a lot of pressure to do well and get everything right and was very disappointed when he didn't achieve those high standards. He had a tendency to put himself last and if he wasn't careful it got out of hand.

He blinked sleepily and looked up at you, smiling weakly at the sight of your eyes on his. You caressed his cheek with the back of your hand as concern took over your face. Will you let me take care of you? You can stay over - you took another shot at getting him out of the studio. He slowly nodded in agreement and you kissed his temple tenderly. After you had gathered your things and put your coats on, you left the building and walked to your car.

As you adjusted your seat-belt, you glanced over at Jimin laying on his side in the passenger's seat. You pulled a blanket that was bunched on the back seat and gave it to him, he wrapped himself in it and you helped him put his seat-belt on. A little smile thanking you for giving him a hand with it. He closed his eyes and fell asleep again as you drove to your place, soft music playing in the background not to disturb him.

Your house was in the outskirts of the city, it was a residential neighborhood so you'd get to have the privacy you needed. You poked Jimin's side - jagi, we are home - you whispered not to startle him. He grumbled and shifted in the seat - come on, I can't carry you to the bed - you teased and he chuckled, taking off the seat-belt and snugging into the blanket as he got out of the car.

You showed him your bedroom since he'd never been at your place, it was a good 40 minutes away. You tucked him in your freshly made bed and ruffled his hair - I'll make you some soup, do you need anything before I go to the kitchen? - he shook his head - what kind? - he inquired. How about veggies? I just got a bunch yesterday, not chicken, don't worry - you replied amused at his interest in the food. Sounds good - he croaked as he shuddered at the thought of those icky chicken breasts that brought him bad memories of when he dieted. You told him where the bathroom was in case he felt sick again and left.

Jimin had a head splitting headache, but just being in your plush bed instantly made him feel better. Your pillows and bedsheets were soft and smelled like you, he closed his eyes and sunk into the softness with a smile. He couldn't remember the last time someone had taken care of him while he was sick, it was probably her mom back at home before moving to Seoul. He didn't have time to be sick, so he just powered through it when he was on his own. Which he realized now was not the best idea as he had trouble properly recovering without a break.

He heard a little knock on the open door and sat up as you came in with a steamy bowl of soup and a spoon that you placed on the night-table for him to take when he felt like it. You sat in front of him in the bed, your legs crisscrossed. Thank you for taking care of me - he said as he took the bowl and caught a whiff of the delicious smell. It's no problem, Jiminie, you have to take care of yourself as well or you won't be able to be there for others - you said and he thought you had a good point, he wouldn't be able to perform if he didn't take care of his health.

You laid on your side across the bed and looked at your boyfriend while he ate his soup happily. You thought it was adorable that he enjoyed food so much, even when he was sick only a couple of hours earlier. He must be feeling better if it didn't make his stomach turn. Why are you staring at me? - he giggled self-consciously after watching you for a bit. You shook your head and propped your elbow up to be able to look at him better - it's just that you're too cute with your food - you said as you smiled widely.

Jimin laughed at your silly comment and wondered how he could have found someone that loved him even when he was just doing the most mundane things, he felt the same way. You were always there to support him and cheer him on, but you had no issues talking to him in his best interest if needed. He felt bad for giving you a hard time in the morning when he refused to stay in bed, you were just trying to help and now he saw that clearly.

Jimin, what is going through your head? - you asked as he put down the empty bowl of soup aside and snuggled back in bed. He extended his arm across the other side and you crawled to lay down next to him, his arm bringing you close to his side. He thought for a minute, that was another thing you were good at, you realized there was something wrong before he even did. He started thinking out loud, sharing his worries and fears when it came to his dancing and singing. What he wanted to achieve by the time he was able to perform again and the little details he felt he had to work on to perfect it all. He felt much lighter after letting all that out.

He needed some space more than he thought he did, you always knew better somehow. He had literally overworked himself to the point he made himself sick, it didn't just happen casually. In that moment he felt extremely lucky to have you by his side, he didn't know he was missing anything until you showed up. And he didn't know what he'd do without you to complement him. How had he lived any other way?

Jimin looked at you, you were sound asleep on his shoulder now, his arm wrapped around your waist. You had the tiniest smile on your face, that made his heart swell. He brushed his fingers along the arm that was holding him, admiring every inch of your smooth skin. He rested his hand on yours and kissed your forehead carefully. I love you - he whispered as he pulled back. He'd been gathering the courage to tell you when you were awake, but it was a start.

 He'd been gathering the courage to tell you when you were awake, but it was a start

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