Farm boy turned idol (TH/Pt. 3)

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When you opened your eyes, Taehyung was sleeping across the bed, still holding onto the pillow tightly and tangled in the bedsheets. You were used to him being so wriggly and had learned to hold onto either the comforter or the sheets, whatever he left behind. It took a while, but now you could sleep more than fine.

Him on the other hand, was the spoiled one (you thought jokingly) who had lost the habit of sleeping on his own. He usually held onto you, but this time he stuck himself to one of the pillows that were most likely his grandmother's. The room looked untouched, so you figured that nothing had been changed or replaced.

You looked at his face and his eyebrows were furrowed, he was pouting in his sleep. Your heart broke a little at the sight. You got out off bed planning to make a special breakfast while he slept as much as he needed to, he also had a full day of work before getting here. You walked over to where his head was at the foot of the bed and carefully kissed his pouty lips. He licked them in his sleep and then his mouth just rested in a straight line. That was better, you thought.

Walking into the kitchen, the first thing you did was pull the curtains open. The sun was shining and as you opened the window, you breathed in the fresh air. You saw Sungmin clipping some tree branches not so far away and waved at him good morning. You turned around and grabbed the waist apron that was hanging off the stove's handle. It was embroidered by hand with flowers, you smiled appreciating the hands that made it, you almost felt bad about using it, what if you ruined it?

You looked around the cupboards and in the fridge to figure out what there was and what could be made. You found that everything was fully stocked, it made sense, since they prepared for your arrival, but it felt like a warm welcome. You found a notebook that you could tell carried a lot of history with it, you turned the pages carefully and looked at all the recipes that had been written down. Splatters of unknown ingredients staining the now yellowed pages.

You found one that had crayon scribbles on it and a big heart next to the title, a note at the bottom read "kids' favorite". Mm, okay, that will do, you thought. You mixed the ingredients, poured the batter into a pan and put it in the oven. You set your cellphone's timer and moved on. You made coffee and tea for both of you and cooked some rice and beans to go with the vegetable omelet you were making on a pan, the fresh produce looked really tempting.

As you were getting some oranges to squeeze juice, you saw there was a container in the fridge that had a sticker on it "Welcome home, Mr. Kim". You smiled and took it out, peeking inside. There was homemade kaktugi and baechu kimchi. You put them separately in two bowls and set them on the table with everything else. You cleaned and put everything away as the timer went off.

You could hear steps coming from the hallway and you looked at the door. Tae came into view, his hair was ruffled and his eyes were barely open, he raised his arm to cover them from the sunlight as he spoke - what's that smell? You took the pan out of the oven with a folded cloth and put it on the counter - you mean this? He blinked hard at it trying to focus, as he got closer he could recognize the smell. Is that...? - Tae started, he came closer and inhaled deeply and a wide smile appeared on his face. How did you make this? - he looked surprised, but he was now focused on figuring this out.

You took the book out of the cupboard and handed it to him once you opened it on the instructions. He ran his index finger slowly through the page, following the doodles. A tear fell on the paper and you looked up from the notebook at him worried. Tae, Tae, I... - he placed the book on the counter and as you reached your hand out to him he pulled you into a tight hug, hiding his face on the crook of your neck, tears running down his face freely now. Thank you - he whispered in your ear. For a moment you thought you had upset him by taking the notebook, you sighed and stroked his bed hair lovingly, planting a kiss on his head after he was calmer in your arms.

Tae seemed to get that out of his chest and then he was all smiles, marveling at the hearty breakfast you had prepared. He swooned over the kimchi Sungmin's wife made, he was touched that she had made some as it was his favorite. Once you were both stuffed, you showered and changed into some comfortable clothes that he had bought and packed.

How is it that you look good in plain clothes too? - you chuckled, they weren't exactly plain, but they also weren't so out of place that you'd not believe him he ever lived at a farm. He scoffed and took your hand, swinging his arm as you walked across the land. You reached a big pen where some horses were grazing. A horse walked up to you and he patted its neck and greeted him by its name. You smiled at the sight and Tae turned around, his eyes bright as he saw you were as happy as he was.

He lead the horse out and into a stable where he fit the mount skillfully on it as if he'd never left. You were seeing a new side of him that was important to him and you felt blessed that he chose to share it with you. He turned around - all set now! - he announced. You looked at him puzzled and he narrowed his eyes - how...I don't see my horse - he giggled and patted the horse's rump. I'm riding my horse - he said and you still didn't look any less lost.

He shook his head amused and climbed on the horse swiftly, he extended his hand out and patted at the front of the mount. Have you ridden a horse before? - he asked almost forgetting - yeah, a couple of times - you said as you put your foot on the stirrup and he helped you up holding your waist as you reached with your other leg to hop on the mount. Be nice boy, we have company - he told the horse as he clicked his tongue and kicked back so that he walked out in the open. One of his hands holding the reins and the other one around your waist holding you close.

He handed you his phone and instructed you to film forward. Then he kicked back feverishly and the horse started trotting, then galloping. You held onto Tae's arm and the horse's hair as you tried to keep the phone up, he smirked - are you scared? - he said grinning. I'm not u-used to this speed - you said as the horse went up a little bump. Ah, I can tell by the permanent scars your nails are gonna leave on my arm - he said in between giggles. Your eyes darted back at him with a hateful look and you leaned onto the neck of the horse to grab another bunch of horse hair with both your hands.

Taehyung was quick to pull you back against him single-handedly as he rolled his eyes - it's fine - he said sassily and poked the tip of his tongue on your neck. You shuddered and scolded him, you were so much fun to tease, he couldn't resist. It's like you never learned from his antics, in reality he knew you loved to tease him back just as much, but he chose to believe the first.

Your boyfriend halted the horse when you reached a clearing surrounded densely by trees, a stream running down. He got off the horse and helped you as you jumped off, taking his phone back. Did you get a good video? - he asked unlocking the phone and checking the film. He posted it to social media for ARMY and sat on the mix of grass and sticks at your feet. Multitasking, eh? - you nudged him as you sat down beside him. He smiled smugly and said - I cut out the part where you try to hold onto the horse's hair for dear life though - he laughed airily and you elbowed him on the ribs. He fell on his side holding his ribcage and laughing.

You're insufferable, Taehyung - you said matter of factly as he rolled on the grass and you suppressed a laugh. He was specially playful when he was in a good mood, and as much as that got on your nerves sometimes, you liked to see him happy. To share his happiness.

 To share his happiness

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At this point I might write a novel, I had a hard time summing up the thoughts, ah!

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