Suspicious behavior (HS)

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- I think she's cheating on me - Hoseok muttered as he was surrounded by the band members.

They had called a meeting because they had noticed Hobi was not himself lately, he looked sad, distracted and zoned out constantly. It was starting to affect their work. They were worried about their friend more than anything though.

- Why do you think so? - Namjoon asked as everyone remained quiet.

- She's been working late nights - he started numbering the reasons for his suspicion.

- Well, so have you - Jimin pointed out.

- We've barely seen each other in weeks, we only seem to sleep next to one another - Hobi kept saying as the others nodded as that made sense with a busy schedule.

- We are barely communicating with each other - he sighed.

- That works both ways - Jin said encouragingly.

- And last night she came back home and when she got in bed I could smell another man's cologne on her neck - he finished, looking at the floor with blank eyes.

Everyone fell silent at that, they couldn't find an explanation to offer as comfort. He sighed again and held his head between his hands. Yoongi surprisingly walked up to him to hug him, then patted his back - there's only one way to find out - he said. Hobi turned around and looked at him with a mix of confusion and hurt.

Talk to her - he said simply, he was about to answer when Yoongi continued - do you trust her?  - even though he knew the answer, he wanted him to think out loud. I do - Hobi said in a whisper. Then you should be honest and so should she - he concluded and went back to sit on the couch after squeezing his friend's shoulder.

Hobi went back home that night thinking about Yoongi's words, but it wasn't that easy. He was scared, terrified of hearing the truth. This couldn't be happening again, he wondered why things never worked out for him.

He felt stupid for falling for dating again, he yearned for someone to appreciate him and take care of him. But that love always ended in heartbreak and he was always the reason for it. He kicked a rock on the pavement in frustration. He was responsible for his hurting, he should have known better.

He opened the door to the apartment where he stayed most nights, it was dark and you weren't home yet despite it being past midnight. Hobi left his things on the couch and headed to your room, he got ready for bed and laid down when he heard the door.

He called for you and you said nothing until you had entered the room. Hey, sorry, another difficult day - you looked exhausted, but the expression on your face was of apathy. Hobi sat up on the bed and extended his arms to hug you, but you walked past him as if he hadn't moved.

He dropped his arms and followed you with his eyes as you went into the bathroom and shut the door. He laid back on his pillow, his arms crossed under his head, looking at the ceiling. He felt lonely, he needed your love and affection, but you didn't seem to need it. You didn't seem to need him anymore. He bit his bottom lip and sighed.

You came out of the bathroom and got in bed, Hobi gave it another shot and tried to cuddle you, but as soon as he placed his hand on your shoulder you stopped him - Hobi , I'm tired and I have a headache, I need to sleep this off - he rolled back to his side of the bed in silence. That was another night of restless sleep for him.

When he woke up you were gone again, when had you ever woken up before he did in the past? He made himself some coffee, he was not hungry lately with his stomach being in a knot all day every day. He was losing weight, but he didn't care, neither did you notice so why should he worry, he justified himself.

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