Continents apart (NSFW/YG)

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note: only implicit mature content

Yoongi was sitting in the living room of the house the band had rented on the outskirts of the city. Just checking his phone now that they had the afternoon to relax before the concert tomorrow. A message from you came in, his phone vibrated in his hand notifying him.

- I miss you

- I do too - he replied

- I need you

- I don't know if you remember, but I'm touring USA right now

A photo that was way too revealing came in and caught him off guard. His eyes widened and he covered the screen of his phone as if someone could see it. Looking away immediately.

Hoseok looked up from his phone at him after noticing the sudden movement across from where he was sitting. Everything okay, Yoongi? - he asked. He looked up still startled and Hobi raised an eyebrow. Why? - he said in an unnecessarily accusative tone. Just checking - Hobi said making a mental note not to talk to him in the near future as he seemed to be in a bad mood.

His phone buzzed under his hand once more and he took his hand off warily. Unlocking the screen and checking the new message.

- And? - was all you said

- What do you want me to do?

- Help me? - Yoongi looked at his phone in disbelief

- Just take care of it yourself

- My fingers are too short

- Are you kidding me? - he typed annoyed

He was starting to feel uncomfortable, he shifted nervously and noticed his pants were tighter. Goddamnit - he cursed under his breath and grabbed the nearest cushion to put it on his lap. His phone buzzed again, it was another photo.

- Stop sending me pictures - he could feel his face burning, he covered his cheeks with his hand.

He turned off the vibration mode and put the phone back in his pocket. He looked around and threw the cushion to a side, making a beeline for the bathroom. They were all sharing rooms so he had no idea what else to do. He locked the door and slid down it, sitting on the cold floor. He adjusted himself, his pants couldn't be tighter now. He unbuttoned them reluctantly and pulled his zipper down, that was better. His phone was poking out of his pocket slightly, he could see the notification light blinking. He sighed and checked his phone.

- Why? Is it a bad time?

- Are you mad?

- Jagi...

There was a string of unread messages from you. He felt a tinge of guilt, he didn't do pictures, he didn't do whatever this was through a phone. He wished he wasn't thousands of miles away from you, then none of this would have happened.

- Stop giving me problems - he typed back

- I'm sorry, I don't want to fight - Yoongi felt worse reading your message

- Do you need help?

- NO

He took his clothes off, dropped them on the floor and tossed his phone on the pile. He hopped in the shower. Cold water running down his body. He shuddered and cursed. This was not helping. He missed you, but he had been just fine otherwise until you messaged him with this awkward proposal. He was aching so he had no choice but to take care of it himself, as you should have, he thought.

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