World Tour (YG/Pt. 3)

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You made your way to the backstage's lounge area, you took off your sneakers and placed them to a side. You'd been walking around the city all day and your feet hurt so badly. You pulled out some local snacks you bought from your bag to munch on and browsed through your phone while you waited for the band to finish with the sound check.

The guys came in the room discussing the last few arrangements, you didn't look up until Yoongi sat next to you and draped his arm around your shoulders. Laying his head on one of them. Hi jagi - he breathed out and took one of your hands. You squeezed his hand and looked down at him smiling, his eyes were closed and he had an almost imperceptible smile.

Everything ready for the concert tonight? - you asked excitedly. Mhm - he nodded without removing his head from you. Are you sure? You look tired - you chuckled and shrugged your one shoulder. He groaned at the movement - I'm always tired. How was your day?

You told him all about your day and he made little comments here and there. This was the third stop on the tour and everything was going smoothly, he was happy you enjoyed your day while he was busy. He lived vicariously through your stories, wishing he had time to do some sight-seeing with you. Every night you came back to cheer him on despite being out all day, making him feel loved and appreciated.

His hair was now styled, he had a full face of make up and was now adding the last few things to his outfit. You hugged him from behind and he looked at you over his shoulder trying to see what you wanted. Good luck tonight, jagi - you said and he gave you a side smile, chuckling. He was about to put his earpiece in when you grabbed his wrist. Wait - you said in a soft voice - a kiss for good luck? - you giggled and he placed it down, turning around in your arms.

You looked up at him smiling deviously and he leaned in to kiss you, placing his hands on your hips and leaning on the small table behind him. He pulled away and looked at your eyes with a soft and adoring gaze. You tightened your grip around his waist and laid on his body, looking at him with naughty eyes - what? - he asked laughing softly. You look handsome all dressed up and ready to perform - you pointed out and he gave you a gummy smile, amused.

Fancy a quickie? - you murmured and he choked on his own saliva. Absolutely not - he said bluntly. He grabbed you by your shoulders and tried to push you off him but you held on to him with all your strength. Come on, let go of me! - he said frustrated and you giggled. Why not? - you pouted at him with a cute face. He chuckled - you know I have to go out there in about 45 minutes, right? - he said as he stopped struggling to push you and worked on unwrapping your arms from his waist.

That's plenty of time! - your grinned. Stop it - he glared at you playfully, but you didn't let go. He gave up and just straightened himself up dragging you along to the other side of the dressing room to pick up his phone. Hey! - you whined and he ignored you - don't you think it would be exhilarating? - he laughed but didn't look at you, his cheeks now had a pink tint to them. Way to embarrass yourself - he said with a straight face. You glared at him and he couldn't help but look up, feeling your intense stare.

He side-smiled and stared back without blinking. You held his gaze until your eyes watered and you blinked, he chuckled and went back to his phone. You laid your head on his chest and loosened your grip on him defeated. He hugged your hip with his free arm - next time before I have my make up and hair done - he said nonchalantly.

You gawked at him as he let go of you and walked back to put his earpiece on. He turned around and laughed softly at your face. Yoongi clicked his tongue and winked at you before opening the door and leaving you there.

The concert was about to start, you could already hear ARMY chanting outside, the stadium was filled. You wished everyone good luck as you helped them fix their outfits, trying to assist the staff as you didn't feel right just sitting around while everyone rushed. You fixed your boyfriend's jacket and sneaked a peck. Don't - he scolded you but then gave you a small smile when you looked up at him - you're going to kill it tonight! He chuckled - I know.

He gave you one last look as they all climbed up the metal stairs to the stage and you held up your fists to sign 'fighting'. That earned you an elusive gummy smile. You could hear them greeting the fans and pumping them up and you walked around the backstage to an angle where you could see the band. You leaned on the makeshift wall and watched them perform with a wide smile plastered to your face. You didn't get tired of it, the approach was different every time for every concert.

When the break came, the guys came back and some of the staff had towels and water bottles ready for them. You handed them out as they came down the stairs hurriedly. When Yoongi reached you, you patted his sweaty forehead with a towel and wrapped it around his neck, opening the bottle for him. He thanked you as he took deep breaths and chugged it down.

Shadow - he breathed out and you left for a second to bring back a different jacket for his solo and his mike. He took out his earpiece, handed it to you and you helped him take off his jacket to then slide into the new one. Yoongi took his microphone off your hand and unexpectedly wrapped his hand around your head and kissed it absentmindedly - thanks, jagi - and he trotted off to position himself on the lift to the stage.

Once the concert ended, they all came back and sat down to look at the fireworks going off while they caught their breath. Your boyfriend pulled you down and you sat in between his legs, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, laying his head on yours as you both looked up at the bright shapes in the sky. As days passed Yoongi was more and more confident that this idea was not that bad after all, he was secretly glad you insisted when his first answer was a resounding no.

 As days passed Yoongi was more and more confident that this idea was not that bad after all, he was secretly glad you insisted when his first answer was a resounding no

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