Blending in with ARMY (JK)

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To support your boyfriend, you had got a ticket to go to his next concert. You wanted to be as close to the stage as possible to see him perform. Since your relationship was not public, you would go on your own and be one with the fans. Jungkook was thrilled you'd be there and he'd be looking for you in the crowd once he got on stage.

You wanted to surprise him so you went all out and painted purple stripes on your face inspired by the army's camouflage paint. You prepared a small banner to hold with Kookie's name on it and the logos of both BTS and ARMY, adding some glitter to it so it would stand out between the others. For your outfit you went with some purple accents.

You had short purple shorts, paired with purple converse high tops, a relax fitted t-shirt with a baby bunny tucked in from the front and you tied your hair back with a hair tie with a couple small white pompoms. Just like cute bunny tails, you thought. You'd blend right in.

You made sure to arrive early to be able to walk up as close to the barrier as possible. You ended up being right against it to a side of the stage. ARMY chanted as the hour got closer and you were so pumped up to see them come out and have your boyfriend notice you.

The concert started with a bang, the songs chosen were upbeat and energetic. As Jungkook jumped with his mike up high with ARMY singing, he saw your face and smiled widely. A series of silly dances followed to entertain you and make you laugh. He came closer to read your sign and noticed the baby bunny on your t-shirt, laughing at it and then turning around to join the other members at the center of the stage for the next song.

You were sweating and feeling light-headed from the fans getting closer and pushing. The next song started and the girls kept jumping and pressing you against the metal bars. You were starting to panic, but you felt too unstable on your feet to do much about it.

When Jungkook came to your side of the stage he looked at you and your face was flushed, your hooded eyes and the expression your face made him worry. You lost your breath as you were crushed against the barrier and you blacked out. As your knees buckled and you closed your eyes, Jungkook jumped off the stage, like he'd done a few times, and ran up to where you were.

The fans were so invested no one had noticed you had fainted until Kookie pointed it out, they made a circle around you once your boyfriend had a tight hold on you and he pulled you into his arms to the side of the stage. He looked up searching for the staff and Tae noticed what was going on, he motioned for someone to come over.

Kookie laid you on the ground squeezing your hand briefly and when he saw the staff were coming, he jumped back on stage and half-watched them take you away as he continued to perform. The concern in his eyes was visible, but he pushed through until the solos started and he had a few minutes backstage.

He ran around asking the staff where the girl who fainted was until someone who knew lead him to a small first-aid tent outside. He barged in wanting to know if you were okay. The nurse told him you had just passed out because the air was knocked out of you and left. He came closer to you and put his hand on yours. Your eyes were closed, but you were awake.

You squinted and looked to your side to see it was your boyfriend who touched you. You smiled still feeling a little dizzy. Oh god, you scared me - he exclaimed - how do you feel? - he asked anxiously while trying to decipher your face. Just feeling a little groggy - you said as you giggled and rolled on your side to face him. He was now kneeling next to the stretcher you were laying on. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked very serious.

Smile for me - you poked the corner of his lips and lifted it up. He laughed at your drunken-like demeanor and held your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. How do I look? - you asked. He furrowed his eyebrows again taking in the coat of sweat that covered your skin and your messy hair when he noticed you were holding out your t-shirt to show him the bunny. Oh, you were asking about the outfit, not your state, he thought.

He giggled and looked at it, then you showed him the pompoms on your hair. You look adorable - he smiled cutely, but still worried. You did not look good, but you were going to be okay. He heard one of the band members screaming his name and he cocked his head up. They all had to go out again. I need to go back on stage, but I'll tell someone from the staff to come keep an eye on you - he said thoughtfully while stroking your hand. He kissed your forehead once he was back on his feet and ran out of there.

Soon enough a lady from the team came and sat down next to you, you didn't talk much, but you felt cared after. It was a while before there was another break and Jungkook came to check on you. You were now sitting down and having some water that they'd brought for you, you looked much better. The lady left to leave you two alone.

He beamed when he saw you in better shape. You poked his scrunched nose and he pecked you. I'm sorry you're missing the concert - he said with big sad doe eyes. You held his hands - I have you every day - and grinned, he chuckled at your response. Well, next time you're coming backstage - he said nodding and squeezing your hands.

You stood up and just in case, he held you by your waist and you rested your arm on his shoulders. You walked to were the staff was and he told them to let you stay there now that you felt better. They nodded and lead you to a makeshift lounge room where you waited for your boyfriend. You didn't feel confident enough to stand and watch the band perform yet.

Once the concert was over, all the members came in the lounge and sat down. Kookie sat next to you and intertwined his fingers with yours, laying your hands on his thigh. He was sweating and breathing heavily - how was the concert? - you asked them. It was great, I'm sorry you missed most of it - Jimin replied. We were all worried about you, seeing you there laying on the floor unconscious - Taehyung added as he was the one who was closest to Jungkook when it all happened. It's good to see you're doing better - Namjoon said with a kind smile.

I'm starving, let's get changed and go eat with the rest of the team - Yoongi said as he got up to leave and everyone, but Jungkook and you, followed. He needed a minute. Do you want me to go back to the apartment with you? - he looked at you concerned - no, no, please, go out to celebrate with everyone, this is only the start of the tour - you said feeling bad. It's also one of my last nights in Seoul before I leave too - he said and kissed you long and tenderly.

The band was now ready to go and smiling amused at both of you by the entrance. Are you two getting a room or coming to dinner with us? - Yoongi asked smirking. Jungkook pretended he was not embarrassed and stood up - actually, you go ahead, I'll get changed and head back to spend the night with her. He jogged past them to go to his dressing room as they whistled and teased him. They turned to you once the maknae was out of sight and wished you to get well and have a good night before they left.

 They turned to you once the maknae was out of sight and wished you to get well and have a good night before they left

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I'm obviously struggling with Jin and Namjoon, but they aren't forgotten. I need some Jin and Joon stans to help me, please, haha. I don't want to write garbage, I want it to sound like something personal, as I said previously, and not generic. I don't feel like you could simply switch around the members on my current stories and it would all make sense, you know? That's what I'm aiming for and I don't want to mess up.

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