That lucky fangirl (HS)

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This was the day. You were finally meeting your favorite band, you had managed to win a ticket to go to their fan-sign, you still didn't think all of this was real, you weren't sure when all of this was going to sink in. As you eagerly awaited in a line outside with other winners, you checked for the umpteenth time that you had everything with you. You had brought small gifts for every member and a few extra things for your favorite member, Hobi, they were all in your backpack still.

As soon as you started to feel impatient, the guard at the door of the meeting room signaled the first person in line to come forward, there were two other people checking everyone's belongings before letting them in right next to the door. When the person in front of you grabbed their purse and entered the room, you moved to where the control lady was and placed your backpack on the table. "Do you have anything I should know about, madam?" she said as she opened the zipper. "Just a few gifts for the band, accessories and letters" you said not being able to stand still from the excitement. The lady handed you your backpack and told you you could walk in.

As you did, you instantly looked at the long table, where all seven members were sitting, smiling and waving at the fans as they came in. Again, you had to wait until everyone was inside to begin with the meeting. At least you could take a close look at them now. Your eyes sparkled and you weren't sure if you wanted to cry or scream, so you opted for internally screaming. You were smiling from ear to ear, you could not help it. All this was so surreal. You were in the same room as BTS, something you had only dreamed of and had never believed would become a reality.

You observed the members one by one, as they played with the papers and pens in front of them, sent out little hearts to fans or made cute faces for those who were taking photos. Hobi was the last one at the far right of the table, when you looked at him, he was very serious. You giggled at his expression though, as he seemed to have zoned out.

His eyes suddenly moved and he looked back at the fans, a tired smile on his face. The silly grin you had plastered on your face caught his eye, he grinned back and winked at you. You gasped, was he really looking at you? You turned your head around and saw no one behind you, you looked back and Hobi was chuckling at your reaction, your face went bright red. This didn't start off well, you'd made a fool out of yourself. You decided to look straight ahead and tried to keep your face relaxed, even though your heart was pounding. Your mind was crazy trying to process what had just happened.

Once everyone was inside, they explained the procedure and let the first seven people through. You had to walk to the first member and you had time to talk to them until the person next to you moved to the one on their right, this was your sign to move to the next member on the right as well. This way, everything would go smoothly. You were not allowed to touch, hug them or get individual photos with them, which you knew, but still were a little bummed to hear. At least you could take pictures while you waited for your turn to go up to the table.

Your turn came and you took a deep breath as you felt light-headed. Yoongi looked at you concerned and then looked at the guard, but despite you stumbling, you made your way up alright. The guard mid-reaching out to you to keep you from falling. Great, you were turning out to be the biggest fool. Yoongi was first, you greeted him excitedly and set your backpack on the table, not without asking if it was ok first. As you fumbled inside it to find his gift, he looked at you with curiosity.

You pulled out a furry headband, small curly brown ears falling from its sides. Yoongi grinned as he grabbed them and placed them on his head saying - how do I look? - with a gummy smile. You smiled back and replied - I'm so happy you like them, I know you get a lot of cat ears, so I thought you might prefer matching ears with Min Holly - you blushed as you pursed your lips awkwardly. Thank you, I do get a lot of cat ears, that's true - he said as he looked at the photobook you were holding in your hand - do you want me to sign that for you? You opened it on the page you had marked with Yoongi's photo and he scribbled quickly, as he saw the fan next to you moving on to the next member. He handed you the photobook back and waved at you as you waved back.

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