Morning glory (NSFW/JM)

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You two were sleeping and Jimin cuddled up to you, it was early morning and he wanted to have some cuddle time with you before leaving for work. His touch woke you up - mmh? - you looked confused. Good morning, jagi - he said smiling down at you. Jiminie, what...? - you said and now he was confused too. I thought we could cuddle before I go to work... - he said laughing a little self-consciously. Is that really what you want? - you narrowed your eyes and looked at him suspiciously. He looked clueless - I can feel you against my butt, you know.

Jimin shifted slightly and realized what you were talking about, he shied away. Sorry - he mumbled as his cheeks turned red. You giggled grabbing his shirt and trying to bring him closer again. He slid back closer to you, circling your waist awkwardly making sure his hips didn't touch yours. It's okay - you said brushing his hair back, running your fingers from his forehead to the back of his head. You pushed your hips back to be in contact with his.

Your arms were holding onto Jimin's, you were relaxed, still half asleep. However, you could feel he was tense behind you. Is everything okay? - you muttered without opening your eyes. Well, you kind of planted these thoughts in my head - he whispered against your ear. You chuckled and turned around to kiss him. He gently placed his hand on the nape of your neck and brought you closer, pulling you by your waist.

Jimin's touch was always so soft but intoxicating. His hands slid down to your hips sensually, making a shiver run down your spine. You gasped in his mouth and he smiled against your lips. He kissed you passionately, but tenderly. Only he could be this graceful and you were so into it. His delicate intensity would be the death of you, you couldn't help getting impatient and needy and he loved teasing you about it and provoking you.

Once he warmed up the shyness vanished and he got into a specific zone, like the kind of duality between him and his stage self. He sneaked one of his hands to the small of your back and another went back to the back of your head. He placed his lips on your neck, brushing them against your skin playfully before pressing them against it with sweet kisses. You tugged on his shirt. Just relax and enjoy it, jagi - he said sensually as he continued to kiss you down to your collarbone, giggling softly at your need to speed things up.

You're going to be the death of me, Park Jimin - you huffed as you threw your head back, his lips sending you into oblivion. He smirked and raised his head to meet your eyes. His were hooded and he looked at you with a burning stare from underneath his lashes. Any trace of innocence gone, his lips slightly parted but serious. You bit your bottom lip and lunged yourself at him, forcing him to roll over on his back. Wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him hard.

He grabbed your waist and rolled over to switch places, he pinned you down pressing his legs against your sides and slid his hand underneath the top of your sleepwear. He ran his fingers all the way down from your collarbone to your hip bone. Jiminie - you uttered with urgency in your voice. He kissed you behind your ears and started to rhythmically grind against your underwear. You moaned and he chuckled. Tease - you said with a hint of annoyance in your voice. He gave you one of those open mouthed smiles where only his top teeth are showing.

He traced your curves with the palms of his hands, sending ripples through your body. He slipped his hands underneath the waist of your underwear and pulled it off so slowly you glared down at him. Your breathing hiked up. He did the same with his and moved back on you. Each and every one of his moves was like a dance that drove you to the edge.

He pulled you up by your waist and pulled his shirt and yours off, you placed your hands on his chest. The pads of your fingers pressing down on his toned muscles. You looked at him with pleading eyes and he pecked you sweetly. He made his way into you gently and went back to your lips, working in sync with his rhythm. You moaned softly in relief, the anticipation made it all the more pleasurable for both of you, he knew that, but you always whined stubbornly.

He grazed the skin between your collarbones with his teeth, planting kisses all the way down to your belly button. You called his name, your voice drowned and broken. He breathed heavily and soft growls escaped his lips, you reached out for his head which was still kissing you around your navel. You buried your fingers in his hair, a little too roughly. Your boyfriend closed his eyes, he had a love hate relationship with your impatience. He loved your sloppy and rough touch, but only from your side. The rushing him on the other hand...not so much.

You tightened around him, placing your legs around his waist and he leaned in close to you and wrapped you into a hug, rubbing circles around your back as you went through your high. Soft, long kisses underneath your jaw. Running his fingers through your hair and brushing it away from your face from time to time.

He held your waist down and resumed his painfully slow moves, his senses heightened, with prolonged exhalations, that had now become shaky. His muscles twitched and he curled around you, placing his head on top of yours and holding you tightly as he rode his own orgasm. You both whimpered against each other, your arms tucked in between his chest and yours and his holding you firmly below your shoulder blades.

His lungs expanded and he sighed forcefully as he loosened his hold and hugged you lazily.  When your arms could break free you wrapped them under his shoulder blades and pressed your face against his warm chest happily. He pressed a kiss on your head and stroked your hair lovingly. Do I really have to go to work now? - he mumbled against your hair whining.

No, stay with me - your muffled voice sounded against him, even though you knew that was not an option. You were going to whine about it too. He chuckled and gave you a light squeeze before pulling away. You looked at him with puppy eyes and a pouty face and he booped your nose. Giggling at the cuteness.

You're only making it harder for me - he said as he held his hand up not to look at your face. You know I'd stay if I could - he said sounding a little sad about it - but I have so much work to do, if I leave now, I might be able to finish early enough to come back at a decent time - he grinned at you. That shall be my motivation for the day - you smiled back at him and you both giggled. Work hard, jagi - you said and he pecked you after he was changed and ready to go. You know I always do - he winked and left.

 You know I always do - he winked and left

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