For the very first time (NSFW/YG)

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You came through the apartment's door, once again arguing with Yoongi. You were tired of this, he was tired of this, every outing ended up in the same argument.

"I don't understand why you don't want to have sex, finishing me off is not enough, I'd like something more" he insisted as you walked in after him, sighing in frustration.

"It's been months and you've been more than okay with that, but why not more?" he continued as he headed to the living room and slouched on the sofa.

You sat quietly next to him, every time things got too heated, you stopped him and helped him whichever way possible.

At first that was fine, but now that it wasn't. You were not sure what to do anymore, you knew this day was going to come eventually. You bit your lip and looked at your hands as you played with them nervously.

"You flinch every time I try to touch you, please tell me, is something bothering you?" you swallowed at his words.

"It's not that you bother me, Yoongi" you replied. He looked at you with an even more confused expression, you locked eyes with him, guilt visible on your face.

"It's almost as if you were scared of me"- your face contorted uncomfortably at his words -"...are you?" His voice had softened now, he furrowed his eyebrows as he started to worry.

"Yes, okay, I'm scared. But not of you" his eyes narrowed as he tried to decipher what you were telling him.

"Why would you be scared? Have you never done it?" he blurted out exasperated, not even considering his words as he didn't know what to think anymore.

You crossed your arms and looked away with a concerned look. When you broke eye contact he went over his words

"You've never done it...really?" he repeated slowly hearing himself.

You shook your head slowly. He was now in shock. That would have never crossed his mind, you were pretty good at what you did do.

"You could have trusted me with that" he said. Yoongi felt hurt by your actions and it showed.

"I didn't want you to leave me" you muttered and he looked at you in disbelief.

"Why would I do that?" he was once again confused.

"I don't know, I suppose there's plenty of women out there that could do much better than me" you said self-consciously.

"I don't want them, I want you, is that really what you think of me?" he said bluntly and without thinking twice.

He got up and left for the little studio he had put together in his apartment, closed the door and got immersed in his work for the rest of the evening.

You felt ashamed now that you had assumed that he was that superficial, that was not like him at all.

He had a hard time expressing himself, in fact he never talked as much as when he was frustrated like this. He'd been very patient with you up until this month.

It would be eight months since you had started dating. If he was fed up of you, he would have left a long time ago.

Yoongi expressed his love in unspoken ways. He was very caring and thoughtful and made sure you knew. Yet you had let your insecurities get the best of you and you had freaked out.

It was past midnight and Yoongi was still locked in his studio. You hadn't wanted to leave, so you had got some groceries to make his favorite food as a peace offering.

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