Daydream struggles (HS/Cont.)

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After the announcement that Hobi was in fact in a relationship, the media exploded and reporters followed him everywhere in hopes of getting photos of you together. Your boyfriend made sure you were safe, so whenever you met a car always picked you up and dropped you off. So far you'd managed not to be seen, only photos of you mostly covered up with a face-mask and a hat had surfaced, but they could not identify you.

You were sitting on the couch in Hobi's studio while he went over practice videos reviewing the choreography he had come up with, he was all done now and all they had to do was learn them and prepare for the tour they'd go on later that year. He spun around on his chair and faced you. The MAMA are coming up and I want you to come with us - he said out of the blue. You looked up at him shocked - really? Are you sure that's a good idea? - you asked.

Everyone wants to know you and I'd rather introduce you than have some candid photos giving it away - he laughed softly thinking of some unflattering photos people have taken of him over the years. You nodded warily - I hope I don't make a fool of myself - you said softly as thoughts ran through your head about the many things you'd have to be careful about. Hobi grinned at that - I'll make sure you don't - he teased you - and if you do, I'll be sure to join in - he kissed your cheek and laughed airily. You gave him a side glance and smirked amused.

The day of the awards, Hobi was excited to be able to get ready with you. Your hair was styled by the team and they did your make up as well. Your boyfriend picked your outfit because you had no idea about what was appropriate. You figured he'd know better so you left it in his hands. You walked to where the clothes where and a lady handed you the dress he got for you and showed you a room to change in.

You were worried because you didn't have the figure of an idol, but the dress was very flattering. It was snug on your curves and went down to just a few inches above your knees. It had a very fun and interesting pattern with a few details embroidered with sequins. You had a short jacket to go with it, a clutch and a pair of short boots. Hobi had done a good job avoiding what he knew made you really uncomfortable. There was also a touch of J-Hope's essence to the whole outfit, which you thought was an adorable way of including you in this part of his world.

As you were putting on the assorted jewelry that went with the outfit you felt someone leaning into you from behind - I was really looking forward to seeing you all dressed up for an awards show - Hobi said softly in your ear and placed his hands on your waist. Can I see you? - he took your hand when you were done putting on the earrings and turned you around. He walked a few steps back to see the whole look.

He was wearing an informal suit coat with the same sequin embroidered details along one of the shoulders and down to one side of his chest. The sleeves were pulled up to his elbows, with the cuffs of the shirt folded up and the collar of his shirt was upturned. It was a very relaxed look and it really suited him. You both smirked at each other and locked eyes for a second. This looks even better than I expected - he said walking back to you and biting the side of his lower lip. You giggled - you look very handsome too - you answered embarrassed.

Hobi kissed you eagerly until you were interrupted by Jin walking in, all ready to go - aah, you look beautiful - he said, as you both turned around, looking at your dress. You blushed. They all complimented your look and teased Hobi for choosing matching outfits. You were given a coat to put over your dress to keep it a surprise until the last minute.

Once you arrived at where the event was being held, Hobi got off the car and held out a hand for you, you stepped out and he helped you out of the coat, leaving it behind. Your hand was sweaty and a little shaky, he held it firmly and you walked up to the red carpet following the rest of the band members. There were flashes everywhere and you were rather overwhelmed. On the other hand, Hobi looked very relaxed and he had a big smile on his face, one you hadn't seen in weeks.

You couldn't help but smile up at him, he caught you looking at him and smiled back, giving your hand a little squeeze. Reporters were everywhere trying to interview the different bands, you felt a little dizzy from everything going around you. Hobi motioned for you to curl your arm around his as he saw you were quite flustered and holding your hand wasn't enough.

You clung onto him as a lady came closer to ask some questions. He smiled brightly and happily introduced you, you just smiled and waved at the camera. This happened a few times, he'd check on you from time to time as he felt your tight grip on his arm. A thoughtful look that was photographed many times throughout the night and then was all over the media.

They showed you your seats and you sat down in-between Jungkook and Hobi. Are you excited, nuna? Don't be nervous - the maknae said encouragingly looking at your worried face. Are you doing okay? - your boyfriend asked - just a little overwhelmed, that's all - you made a face and he laughed. You'll get used to it - he winked at you and smirked, looking away to the stage.

The night was memorable, the band won several awards and performed on amazingly put together stages. You happily cheered for them each and every single time, some idols even came to introduce themselves to you while you were on your own so you'd feel more comfortable. You told Hobi about it once they came back to their seats, squeezing his shoulder excitedly as you covered your mouth with your hand and leaned onto his ear so he could hear. He flashed a smile at you and turned around to wave at those who had walked up to you gratefully.

You fell asleep on his shoulder in the car on the way back to the hotel where you were staying. The day had been a roller coaster of emotions and you were exhausted. The members talked about how cute it was for a bit and they reminisced about their first few award shows. Sleepily, you two made your way to your room. You quickly changed, removed your make up and curled into bed.

Once Hobi had done the same he cuddled up to you and kissed the nape of your neck. He circled his arms around your waist, pressing your back to him. He laid his cheek on your head and you both fell asleep almost instantly.

He was glad everything had gone well, he was anxious about the reception, but it ended up being pretty positive. In the next few days he received so much support and lovely messages from all of ARMY. There were loads of articles gushing about you as a couple. The negativity was minimal in comparison and there was no need to address it, which you were both relieved about.

 The negativity was minimal in comparison and there was no need to address it, which you were both relieved about

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