Part 21: Few Months To Go (flashback)

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We already released the teaser of Skin a week ago and did a press con for the film. The media asked a lot of questions about Jennie and I, our relationship status and future plans. A lot of pictures of ours being sweet together scattered all over the internet again. Even us doing grocery. This is why I hate the limelight. What else can I do? Accept it. But I want a private life!

I came back to New York a few days ago. Five months to go and I'm done here. My instructors and classmates congratulated me for having an award-winning school film project and one upcoming major film even if I'm just a student. I also asked them to critic my work so I can still improve more.

God is so good to me. A month has passed and I got an offer to shoot a TV and Billboard commercial for Nike. They did not care even if I am still an endorser of Adidas. So yeah, I directed Nike's TVC. Did one for Calvin Klein, Apple, Burberry and BVLGARI. Jennie is so happy for me. I am happy for myself too. I am earning already at this moment and I thought of buying myself a gift. So I bought a Leica camera, my dream camera as a reward to myself for starting to work hard. 

But I really miss Jennie everyday. We call and text each other always. We never had a day without telling each other how we feel.


But one morning when I was having a cup of coffee in my dining area, I got surprise with what I saw on social media and TV. Photos of Jennie and Luis scattered all over with sweetness. At first I told myself that it's just a show to promote the film or maybe it was just a different camera angle.

Jennie tells me that they're together with the team almost everyday to promote Skin on their guesting and shows.

Everyday has been hard. Pictures of them here and there. I know Jennie is faithful to me and I don't want to feel jealous. But man, I am jealous. She keeps reminding me everyday how much she loves me. But still, I feel so jealous.

I couldn't get away with the issue. Even reporters here in New York follow me, trying to interview me about Jen and Luis. As usual, I don't mind them and continued with my life.

"Fck. Can we let time move a bit fast?! I want to go back to Korea." I sighed. I just got used to how paparazzis follow them and fans drool over their photos together on social media. Of course, I trust my girl, but I don't think I can trust that guy. I have heard so many things about him even before we shot the film. He's a douchebag.

As much as I wanted to disregard every issue about them that makes me jealous, I am still crazy over the fact that I am not at Jennie's side. I know I don't have to feel insecure. Why should I be? But I just only want her mine. No one else should be linked to her. I know, yes, I sound selfish, but I am in love with her.

Been schooling for 1 year and 9 months in New York already. But I have to go back to Korea for Skin's premiere night. I complied with everything my school requires before graduation and I only have 1 exam left that is scheduled three weeks before our school year ends.  Also, I want to spend my birthday in Korea and that's three days before the premiere night.

I did not inform Jennie that I am coming back to Seoul earlier than expected to surprise her. Booked a flight on my birthday. I contacted Ms. Coo not to tell Jennie and ask her whereabouts on the day I arrive.

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