Part 14: Face to Face (Flashback)

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When Lisa and I went out from the restaurant, Lisa held my shoulder tight. Paparazzi and reporter blocked our way at the door right away.

From reporters:
"Ms. Lisa, is it true? Did it happen?"

"Lisa, since when are you dating Anna Brooks?"

"Jennie, what can you say about this issue? You haven't confirmed your relationship with Lisa yet and this scandal happened."

"Lisa, what did you ask from Anna in return?"

"Ms. Jennie Kim, is this your movie's marketing strategy?"

Lisa protected me from the reporters. Her arm wrapped around me so I won't be touched by the reporters and we both rushed to Lisa's car. We did not answer their questions. Lisa is  so relaxed. She knows that she can clear her name through her connections and of course, the truth.

"Bud, do you have Anna's contact number and address?" Lisa called Derik. He gave Anna's details.

"Lisa, just let me know how I can help. I saw what happened. You did not do anything wrong. I know how faithful you are to Jennie." Derik comforted Lisa through a speaker call. I heard everything they talked about.

Hearing those words from Lisa's friend somehow calmed me. I know from the start that I should trust my girl. But we still need to find out what happened and convince Anna to speak the truth to the media.

"This is one of the reasons why I let go of my career as an actor. But I will face this." Lisa spoke with optimism.

"I'm with you. But that does not mean that I am not mad. I still am." I said.

"I am sorry, love. I'm sorry if I disappoint you. Let me fix this." Lisa was sorry and I could sense her sadness.

I did not mind her for a while. Pinned my sight to the window.

--------------------ANNA'S HOUSE---------------------

"Lisa! Oh, hi Jennie Kim." Anna knew who Jennie is too. She invited us to come in.

"What was that?!" My voice is shaking. Jennie holds my hand to calm me. She really is my tranquilizer.

"Lis, I am sorry. It's not what they think. Let me explain" Anna begged.

"This is what happened. Earlier that night, I saw a group of D's visitors playing with pills and mixing with their drink. I took one glass and supposed to tell Derik about it. Then I saw you, I approached you, I got insulted when I noticed you don't like talking to me. So instead of reporting the bad stuff to Derik, I gave that drink to you. My conscience is killing me after a few minutes so I followed you in the corner. I saw you drank it already and I tried to talk to you to revive your consciousness because it was obvious you're dizzy and about to pass out. The glass fell from your hand and broke on the floor between your feet. I knelt down and pick the broken glass for your safety. But an asshole took a photo of us from a different perspective like I'm giving you a blowjob." Anna revealed the story. Oh, fuck.

Anna promised to help me too with her connections in the media, of course she is involved.

Somehow I felt relieved.
I was driving and asked Jennie if we'll get her luggage from the hotel so I can bring her home.

And here it goes. Our first fight through her response.
"Not now. Bring me to the hotel. I believed what Anna said, but let me and the incident teach you a lesson."

I went home and talked to my parents. They comforted me. My Mama insited that I must have a massage and good sleep so I can do something for Jennie and ask for her forgiveness.

I contacted my connections in the industry. They helped me clear my name. Anna also had an interview a few minutes ago, clearing the issue.
The one who took the photograph made a public apology.

I got a massage and before I closed my eyes to sleep, I sent a text message to Jennie.

"My Jennie,
Thank you for being there with me always. I am really sorry for what happened. I swear, my love, I don't intend to hurt you. I have no plan of hurting you. It's sad that instead of giving you the best life while you're here with me in New York, it turned out to be unpleasant. I am really sorry. I love you Jen."

If only I did not go to that crazy house party. If only I followed my heart to surprise Jennie that night, it wouldn't all happen.

Deep sigh.

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