Part 10: New York (Flashback)

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The day has come for me to leave South Korea.

Jennie brought me to the Airport.

"Hey. Always remember that I will be here waiting for you." Jennie gave me security with a tight hug and kiss.  I saw a tear fell from her eye. My heart's like being crushed knowing the fact that we are separating this time.

"Jennie, don't be sad. Two years will be just a short period of time." I comforted her. Deep inside me, I'm really hurting. I am going to miss this lady so much.

"Before you go, I would like to ask you something." Jennie cupped my face.

"Yes?" I replied and waited for her question.

"Lisa, we have been like this for 8 months. Who am I to you? What are we?" Jennie asked with sadness in her eyes.

"Jennie, you know what I have been through with Celine. I appreciate you. I love you! You know that right? But, I am still scared to commit." I sadly replied.

Fuck. I hurt her.

I admit, I am in love with Jennie. But I am scared to be officially in a relationship because I might get deeply hurt again. It's not that I am not sure with her, I surely am deeply in love with her. But once you have experienced deep pain from a relationship and you had been patient with your ex-girlfriend's cheating madness, I'm not sure if you will be brave enough to commit again. I know that Jennie has been there for me through my ups and downs, and I am thankful for that. But this is not the right time yet. Not the right time yet.

Seeing her from afar waving goodbye stabbed my heart.


I finally asked her the question I have been wanting to ask. And yeah, that's her answer. It's okay, Jennie. What's important is we are deeply in love with each other. Ugh. I am going to miss Lisa. Her face, her kissed and hugs, her sexiness and how she holds my hand like there's no letting go.

On my way home, I got a call from my Manager.

"Hello, Ms. Coo. What's up?" I answered her call.

"Jennie dear, I have great news for you. You have eight endorsements for a month and an upcoming film that will be shot for 12 days in New York next month. Please be ready tomorrow you have a guesting at The Young Sil Show!" Ms. Coo excitedly shared the news to me.

The opportunities made me happy but learning that I will have a movie shoot in New York next month made me happier! See you, Lisa!

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