Part 28: Day 2

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I'm already awake at 5am. Took a bath and prepared my stuff. It's the second day of my LV shoot. While I'm waiting for the shoot vehicle to arrive, I instructed  Civ's nanny to get Civ from my parent's house today so I can hug him when I arrive home after the shoot.

The van assigned to me picked me up at six. I did not bring my car because the location is out of town and I need to travel for three hours to get there.

Inside the car, I remembered what happened yesterday. I was impressed how Lisa directed the commercial. She is still the Lisa Manoban and she keeps on improving. No doubt she is one of the in-demand directors in her generation now.

I am so proud of her even if we don't belong to each other anymore. I can see how passionate she is. Though yesterday she has phases where she gets nervous whenever she talks to me. I was nervous too, but work is work. I just don't understand why she wanted to bring me home last night. Unlucky her, I brought my car with me.

Let's say, I have slightly moved on from what happened to us in the past. But I admit, there is still a little pain everytime I remember the moment she denied my little one.She did not give me a chance to explain myself.

I fell asleep in the car. We arrived at the location at 830am. I took my breakfast and had my hair and make-up done by my glam team. Our location today is outdoor. It's like a forest kind of a place. I am amazed how Lisa thinks. Her vision never failed her clients and the consumers. I look at the shotlist and storyboard for today. We'll be doing just six scenes here. Target pack up time is at four in the afternoon. Lisa is very precise even with time. Let's see if she can direct in just six hours. My experience with other directors is not like this. Sometimes we shot one frame for three hours and it's very tiring.

"Director L is here already." I heard people saying.

"She's really never been late." I told my hairstylist.

"Yes, Ma'am. Knowing Director L, she is very professional especially when it comes to time at work." Lory, my hairstylist said.

"Ms. Jennie? Are you good? Director L wants to see you now." Asst. Dir. Steven informed me in my dressing room.

"Yeah. Be there in a minute." I responded.

As I approach her. I noticed her mesmerizing eyes and plump lips. If you can only see how hot she is while instructing her staff for some technical applications for the shoot. My heart was about to pound, but I brought my senses back. This cannot be. My ex-girlfriend is beautiful, but never will I have feelings for her again. Never.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

"Oh, hi!" She replied.

"Are you going to orient me now?" I asked.

"Yes. Philip, Steven, over here please." She called the DOP and AD over.

"So Jen, as you can see, our first shot requires you to sit on that lying old trunk right there. It will rain ashes. But it will be graphically edited. Ok? So I want you to look like you're rising from the flame as you get up from sitting. Hot. Sultry. Seductive. Your call how you will act that out as I give you the signal. You know what I mean? So for that shot, we will operate four cameras. Give me your best emotion for the top view when you look up okay? With this, we can make three frames already. Let's start at ten and end this shot at twelve. Let's have lunch and resume at one for the three remaining shots. Alright? We clear?" No wonder why people is amazed with this woman.

"Yes, Director L. Noted." the DOP and AD answered.

"Jen?"She called me for my acknowledgedment.

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