Part 25: JENNIE

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From the day Lisa denied her child, I promised myself not to mind her anymore. That woman doesn't have any idea how I suffered. She's not even concerned. God! Lisa, if you just only saw all my hardships and heartaches when you broke up with me.

Never in a million years I thought of aborting my baby. I would trade all others away for him. Look what happened to my career. I stopped for a while to take care of my health so I can take care of my baby. Everyone is concerned about me except those special people in my life. My fans are very supportive. Even if I did not confirm in public that I'm pregnant, they're still there to message me or show their support. My father is mad at me. I once promised him that if ever I'm going to have a child, I will make sure to be with the right person. But as my pregnancy starts to become sensitive, my Dad couldn't turn his back from me especially when I sent him the utrasound result showing it's a boy.

There were nights that I couldn't sleep. Thinking of the day Lisa denied my son. It still hurts. Everytime i got to read an article of her dating status with photos of her and different girls being caught together. It's stressing me out.

One day, I was rushed to the hospital because I bled. I got affected with a news came out about my pregnancy. I actually am ready to confirm that I'm pregnant to the public. But what hurt me that morning was when an article says "Lisa denies that the baby is hers.". I did not read the whole article. I got anxiety attacks. Media people really do not know where they must position their news sometimes. Hello, I am pregnant! Will you please stop hurting me for now?! How I wish I can say that to their very face.

I am thankful for my Dad and Rosé. They're just one call away when I needed them.

My due date has come. I brought myself to the hospital. Imagine that? Rosé and Dad met me at the therr because if I waited for them, I could've delivered my Civ Andrei at home and it's unsafe.

Everything changed when I held Civ in my arms. He brought so much joy to me. Unexplainable but undeniably the best feeling in the world-- having him and being a mom. He got his eyes from Lisa. He actually looks like Lisa.

"Son, I promise to love you unconditionally. Support you while you reach your dreams. I am not going to promise a smooth road ahead of us, but one thing's for sure-- I will be there in every step of the way for you. I am sorry if I cannot give you a complete family. But I promise to guide your eyes to see the bright side of life. By the time you want to know the person who made the half of you, I will never hinder your way to her. You deserve to know her regardless of what happened between us in the past because you're made of love. I love you Civ." Jennie wrote that in her diary and read for Civ while he's asleep.

When Civ turned one, I accepted some acting offers again from the entertainment industry. I think this is the best time as I have regained my mental and physical health already after I gave birth.

If you're going to ask me about Lisa, well, I told every person involved with us not to let her know that I gave birth already and none of them should show a photo of Civ for now. Not now. I want to breathe before facing her again and if she wants to see her son.

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