Part 5: STRANGERS WRAP (Flashback)

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After the shoot, Lisa took her car out of the parking area. It was alreay 130am.

"Ugh. What a heavy rain, Seoul?!" Lisa's disappointment on her way out to the main road.

When she turn right at the corner of the road, she found a girl holding an umbrella under the rain, behind a black four door convertible Ciel Cadillac.
She stopped her car, took an umbrella under the passenger seat and approached that woman. She looked like she really needs help.

"Is there something wrong?" Lisa asked.

The woman lifted her head and faced Lisa.

"Oh, hi!" Jennie was surprised when she saw it's Lisa.

"Oh, it's you. Jennie, right?" Lisa shyly asked.

"Yes. My car's back tire is flat. And it won't start." Jennie told Lisa.

Lisa went to the front and examined the battery. Jennie followed her.

"Cover your nose and mouth." Lisa told Jennie.

Smoke came out from the hood of Jennie's car.

"Can I borrow your car key?" Lisa asked and Jennie gave it to her.

Lisa started the engine. It's not showing any progress. She went out of the car.

"Get inside of my car first. I will call my mechanic friend to get your car out of here. Sorry we can't change your tire. Looks like it's not at the back of your car?" Lisa assured Jennie that everything is going to be fine.

When the mechanic pulled Jennie's car through a flatbed, Lisa offered Jennie a ride home.

"Hey! Thank you so much! I don't know what to do without you." Jennie told Lisa.

"Hmm. So where do you live?" Lisa asked.

"Orchid Prime. But would you mind if we get a bottle of Soju, a bowl of spicy pork soup first then we can eat at my house? If you just want to. Jenny asked Lisa shyly.

"If that's with extra hot fish cake, then why not?" Lisa answered with a smile looking at Jennie's eyes.

-----------------JENNIE's PLACE-----------------------

"You live alone?" Lisa asked Jennie with curiousity.

"I'll tell you if you promise you won't rape me." Jennie answered her laughing

"Aha. I don't fuck with the person I don't like" Lisa answered seriously.

"Really? Don't you Lisa? With that look on my cleavage?" Jenny chuckled.

"Let's get inside so I can flirt with you." Lisa jokingly answered Jennie.

Jennie open two bottles of Soju first and put the rest in the freezer. She also prepared the food they bought for take out.

"You have a very good taste. Your interior design shows." Lisa commended Jennie.

"Yeah? Come here and let's get hot---- with this soup and your extra hot fish cakes" Jennie jokingly invited Lisa to eat at the bar counter of her kitchen.

"One more fliritng, I will rip your clothes off your body. Joke!" Lisa silently talks to herself.

They are both enjoying their meal and of course, the Soju.

"It's just weird you know. We just endorsed this earlier by drinking water placed inside this bottle and look at us now, binging for the real one." Jennie told Lisa and they both laughed.

"Jennie, so when did you start your career?" Lisa asked.

"Hmm. When I was 16. After I graduated highschool. Modelling here and there. You know, I like it. " Jennie shared with Lisa.

"So you want to be an actress?" Lisa aked.

"I don't know. Maybe yes? Not yet sure. I will be taking my father's business after I graduate. Or maybe I will pursue my first love-- dance and sing. We'll see." Jennie is unsure.

Lisa thinks this girl is having fun with her life and enjoying it.

"Lisa?" Jennie took her attention.

"Yes?" A reply from Lisa

"You inspire me a lot. I have been a secret fan of yours since you were young as a model." Jennie confessed.

"Hmm? If you just know how this industry is choking me right now. I can't live the life I desire. But who am I to complain? I chose this path so I am living with it." Lisa slowly spilling out her emotions.

Their conversation is getting deeper with the fourth bottle of Soju going to fifth.

"We're in the same school. Just different course." Jennie let Lisa know.

"Really? I haven't seen you there before." Lisa honestly told her.

"Because you're so busy looking at someone else". Jennie looked straight at Lisa's eyes seductively.

"What?! That look huh?" Lisa got curious and deep inside she felt another heart pounding feeling inside her chest.

"Hey, I am kidding." Jennie chuckled

"Okay" Lisa's simple reply.

"Your eyes are only for Celine Gung, Lisa Manoban. Pretty obvious. You look good together." Jennie praised their image as a couple.

Lisa smirked before saying a thing. "But the truth is, she's there... having fun with her friends right now. Kissing another guy at the bar." Lisa sadly confessed what she saw on the video earlier.

"Shit. I am sorry." Jennie felt awkwardness.

They both got themselves drunk while theybkept talking about Lisa's sentiments.

"I was so in love with her. So deeply in love with her. But you know what's weird? When I saw this video last night? Lisa took her phone and showed Jennie the video. "I have decided to break up with her. She already cheated on me so many times, but because I am stupid, I always forgive her." Lisa was never shy to confess what she felt. She found comfort on Jennie's presence.

"Oh, Lisa." Jennie got off from her seat and went near to Lisa. She hugged her and wiped her tears.

"It's okay to endure the pain. But you have to help yourself to be fine. Alright?" Jennie's encouragement while cupping Lisa's face and stroking her hair.

"Help me to be fine." Lisa whispered to Jennie's ears.

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