Part 29: My Heartbeat

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This week has really been so hectic. From shoots to editing to endorsements and all.

I got an offer from Balenciaga to endorse them. Good thing my Prada and Chanel family are ok with it. Actually luxurious designer brands don't care if you endorse other brands. Only small time brands have an issue about competition.

After I finished the shoot for Balenciaga, I headed straight to Moonwalker for my editing. I always request to edit my films in our company and not to other Post Editing Houses. We have our own team who does editing from offline, online, color grading to computer graphics. And I can say that they are the best editors of all time!

When I arrived, I saw a blurry sexy figure from afar. There's really a problem with my sight. But even if I cannot see clearly, I know it's Jennie. Our eyes met when I passed by the editing room going to my office.

"Hi." She greeted me. I just nodded my head.

I thought about what happened on the day I went to Jeju for her. I felt guilty. The reason why she never greeted me that day because she wanted to surprise me.

Thinking so deep in my office. We still have an hour to start our final preview for the edited TVC. Jennie always preview her TVC during the editing before it airs. She is the only celebrity that does that. Well we should let her see it first. She is the Jennie Kim.

I was looking away at the window. A bit of spacing out when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

"Balenciaga, huh?" Jennie came inside my office.

"Oh, Jen. It's you." I said.

"How's your head? Does it ache always?" Jennie asked.

"Yes. I think I have to really go for an eye check up" I told her.

"You should. Join me tonight for dinner at the KRF Mall after our preview. My friend has an eye clinic there." Jennie said in a serious tone.

I stood up and transferred to the couch in my office. I invited her to sit beside me. She accepted and sat beside me.

"Jen, are you still mad at me?" I asked. But i couldn't look straight to her eyes.

"Hey, look at me straight in the eyes. Yes, I am still mad at you. Because you never gave me a chance to explain myself. You were too selfish. All you care about was your feelings." Jennie answered.

"But why are you still coming near to me?" I asked back while I'm hurting inside.

"Because you're my director. I am just being concerned too with your eyes and head." She said.

"Let's talk about it over dinner later." She added while tapping my hand with her hot palm. She's about to go out.

When I felt her hand, I didn't let her stand totally. I gripped her arm and she fell on my body. Our eyes met closer. Our lips can feel each other's breath.

I kissed her. I am feeling her warm lips again. 

She slapped me.

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