Part 36: I Am Her Woman

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We're still in Paris. It's already our ninth day here. I finished all my job while Lisa is on the third day of Somi's travel show shoot. Lisa is back directing the show. That project was supposed to be mine, but I declined the offer when Civ was diagnosed with leukemia before.

L: I miss your scent already, Love.

 Lisa texted me.

J: Lisa, aren't you focusing at work now?" 

L: How can I concentrate If you're all in my mind right now but I can't kiss and hug my fiancée? 😭

She is very expressive of her love for me lately. When I saw the crying emoji, it made me sad too. So I decided to stroll around the streets of Paris and looked for a vintage vinyl shop. I'll get a vinyl record for her. I found Cole Porter's vinyl record and bought it for Lisa.

I went to their location set. I hid for a while at the back of a dressing room tent because I wanted to surprise her. From a short distance, I observed how hot she is. The way she directs a shoot really amazes me until now.

Somi is approaching the tent where I was hiding behind. I accidentally heard her conversation with her makeup artist.

Somi: Dee, did you see how hot she was? Only if she's not engaged, I will flirt with her.

Dee: That was not flirting yet? I saw how you look at Director L. You were like taking her clothes off when you stared at her.

Somi: But I really wonder, I knew she noticed how I seduced her on the set, but she doesn't make a move. Maybe I should bring it to the next level so she would notice me.

Dee: Like how? Hey Somi, you know I have heard, they are inseparable. Director L is so in love with Jennie Kim. When she was talking with the producers earlier about her engagement with Jennie and how hot Jennie was during the VS Fashion Show, her smile was different. It's so precious. We rarely see her smile that way on set.

Somi: There's a saying, you can easily catch a chicken when it's tied up.

Dee: Be careful, girl. Jennie Kim is just a quiet person. If she finds out, I don't know if what's gonna happen to you. They say, "Silent water runs deep."

What was that? Somi is flirting with Lisa and planning to flirt with her more?

I am still from afar. I found Lisa holding her phone like texting during a break.

L: Jennie, I miss you. Where are you? I want to finish this shoot now and be with you. I am really stressed right now. Somi is a big delay to our shoot. She's very picky with her wardrobe. I love you, Jen!

Got a text from Lisa. So it's me she's texting.

I went behind her director's chair while she previews her taken shots. I silently walked towards her. I already gave a signal to everyone to keep quiet as I will surprise her.

I also saw Somi going back to the set as they're about to roll.

I reached Lisa while everyone is smiling. I covered her eyes with my hands and whispered to her ear "I missed you more, my love."

She stood up to kiss and hug me!

"Jennie! You surprised me, love! Come, sit here. I missed you!" She made me sit to her director's chair so I'll be comfortable. She took a mononlock chair for herself.

I saw how Somi melted like an ice cream. Sorry but what's mine is mine, dear.

From time to time, Lisa stands up and go near Somi to instruct her. She's a bit hard to direct. But Lisa made it easier. I caught Lisa looking at me from afar and giving me a wink.

People in the set are coming near me to have a picture together. But when Lisa comes back and sits beside me, no one dared to request for a photo.

Here goes the romantic excitement again while she's directing beside me and looking at the monitor, she's holding my hand or sometimes she puts her hand on my thigh. She also leans her head to my shoulder.  Good thing I brought a towel with me. The location is too hot and Lisa's back is starting to sweat.

"Love, you are perspiring. Would you mind if I put a towel on your back? You might get sick, huh." I asked. She nodded and faced her back to me.

During their break, I gave her Cole Porter's record vinyl.

"Jesus christ, love! Where did you find this? This is hard to find, don't you know?! Thank you. Thank you so much Jennie!" Lisa's too happy and excited of my gift. She even boasted it to the producers and her team.

The shoot has ended and we decided to go back to the hotel first to freshen up before we get our dinner. But what happened was, Lisa undressed me and made love to me. This girl. She even wanted to do it in various positions. Oh, my god. She thanked me. She said it's her first time to direct with a hot girl beside her as a companion. 

During our dinner in an open area restaurant beside the road, she opened up a topic about Somi. A proof that Lisa is faithful to me.

"Love, can I open up something?" She said.

"Of course, love. Anytime! Go on, tell me." I told her as I caressed her hand.

"This Somi. She keeps flirting with me. It's not that I am not comfortable. But I felt like being harassed? You know how professional I am right? But it's not making me feel at ease. I am planning to remove her from the show." She confessed. I am a bit worried. It's a rare situation you'll see Lisa a bit terrified.

"I know. I heard behind her dressing room before I sat beside you on the set. Tell me how you feel why you said you're like being harrased. Tell me what happened." I comforted her.

"If there was a chance for her to come near me, she never hesitated to touch me. It's terrifying. She once queezed my butt. She even moved her hand closer to my thing down there and it almost touched. She always looked at me like she's a hungry woman." My Lisa is worried and terrified. I know her.

"Look at this" She showed me Somi's text to her during the shoot.

"Director L, you look thirsty today. If you'd like to fill your throat with my juices tonight, I'm at La Vie Jux Hotel, Room 1429." My eyes widened seeing Somi's text to Lisa. Well, I can't deny the fact that someone will be interested of my Lisa. I mean, look how hot she is. But seeing Lisa being worried, I can't take it anymore.

"Come here. Whatever your decision will be, I am here to support you, okay? You can also consult with Jisoo and your team. Be transprent to them. Tell them everything. I know whatever decision you'll come up with, it's the best for your company and for the show." I hugged her and assured her everything's gonna be fine.

It's eight and we decided to go back to our hotel room. Lisa fell asleep immediately. She's tired from the shoot today.

I went to Somi's hotel and confronted her. Her eyes went big when she saw me at the doorstep.

"The next time you make Lisa uncomfortable or you flirt with her, I will make sure to tie you up like a chicken." I calmy said with my serious face on.

"Jen-" She out of words.

"Know your place or you'll end up losing everything you have right now." I said with a smile and walked away.

I went back to our hotel room and hugged Lisa so tight while we sleep.

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