Part 3: COLLEGE (Flashback)

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Lisa was approaching Seoul Business University's parking lot driving her shining silver Porsche when her Papa called.

"Hello Papa!" Lisa answered the phone. Her voice can tell that she misses him so much.

"My dear Lisa. How are you?" Mr. Manoban asked her.

"I'm great, Papa. Today's first day of class on my last year here. I can't wait to be with you and Mama in New York soon!" Lisa expressed her excitement.

Lisa was on her 4th year in SBU taking up Bachelor of Science in Business and Advertising. She's always been part of the Dean's List since she entered college. Lisa makes sure that being an Actor/Celebrity won't get in the way to her studies. How perfect right? But there's always a downside of being a celebrity. Her privacy and alone time in school were always interrupted even at school.

She's planning to pursue Film school in New York Film Academy right after she graduated from SBU.

"Hmmm. Babe? I can't see my way!" Lisa immediately found out who covered her eyes from the back. Lisa has a good sense of smell. She can identify people through their scent. Sometimes she remembers good old memories when she smells certain fragrance.

"Don't you know how hot your are right now, Lisa?" Celine moved to face her girlfriend.

Celine Gung. The lucky girl who captured Lisa's heart for four years now.

"Huh? Horny even at school, babe?" Lisa teased Celine. She just pinched Lisa's cheek in response. "Let's have lunch later?" Lisa asked.

"Oh babe. I'm sorry. I still have a meeting with my Theater Club. So maybe tonight? Celine said.

"Babe, I can't make it tonight. I have an endorsement shoot, calltime is 7pm. I am sorry." Lisa responded while hugging her girlfriend.

Celine just nodded.

Lisa went to her first class. She faced the ground along the way as most of the students would greet her and ask for her attention. She's obviously shy. She would just give them a soft smile instead.

After school at six, she drove her way to YG Studios for her TVC shoot as the lead endorser.

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