Part 31: Tell Me Again

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We're in the middle of our photoshoot for Chanel. We're already done with the video since it is only a ten second TV Ad and three minutes for Youtube and Billboard .

People with us at the photo shoot were teasing us. They have this romantic excitement splurged all over everytime Lisa and I are close to each other during the pictorial.

I can sense that Lisa is not feeling well that day. I think she has a fever. Everytime our skin touched, I can feel how hot she is. I mean, it's given that she is figuratively, but her body temperature is too high literally.

"Hey, are you okay? Tell me if you're not feeling well." I whispered to her while we're being photographed.

"I'll be okay. I think I am just tired." She replied.

"Let me drive you home. Okay?" I offered.

"No, it's okay. Be with Civ. That's more important to me. " I was surprised she said that.

"No, I insist. Maybe we're done at four here. Let's buy your medicine first. I know you don't have any in your house." I am really concerned. No one is taking care of Lisa. She has no in-house helper at her house. Her helper only goes there when needed.

"Who's gonna take your car home?" She asked.

"I did not bring it. The production provided a van for me today." I said and she nodded.

As I drove her home after the shoot, I can sense that she's chilling.

"L, how do you feel?" I checked on her.

"Just a bit cold. Don't worry." She said.

I cooked soup for her and also prepared her dinner. Brought the food to her room. She hasn't changed her clothes yet.

I place the food on the table. Nothing has change, her house has still the same arrangement like what it was years ago.

I took a small towel, soaked it in warm water with a bit of soap and alcohol. I took off her clothes. She doesn't wear anything now. Then I wiped her body with the towel I prepared.

"Jen, you don't have to do this. I can handle myself." She told me. As she covers her private parts with her hands.

"Lisa, as if I haven't seen your body before?" I told her as I wipe her body. She kept quiet. After wiping her body, I took her pajamas for her to wear.  I placed the thermometer in her armpit. Waited for a few minutes, she has high fever!

"You should be taking good care of yourself, Lisa. It's not all the time I'm here to look after you. Tell Jisoo to arrange your schedule, ok? Don't squeeze everything in. Have time to rest, please. " I almost beg. She is really stubborn.

I took the soup and her food and fed her so she can take her medicine as soon as she finished eating,

"I can't reject those projects, Jen." She answered.

"You don't have a family to feed, Lisa. My God. Be cautious and take care of your health." I said.

"It's easy for you to say. I may not have my own family now, but my employees' families will starve once I don't work hard." My heart melted hearing Lisa telling me that. Whatever happened to us in the past, it was about us. I can never deny that this girl has a big heart.

I just nodded and gave her a smile. I handed her the medicine and water.

"Jen, I am happy for you and Luis. You are both so lucky to have Civ. I think I can manage now. You need to go home and be with your family." She said.

Until now, I am still wondering why Lisa thinks me and Luis are together. There was never a single romantic thing between Luis and I. It's actually funny.

"You sure? I can stay for tonight if you want me to. I can't leave you like this. Civ is asleep now. Her Nanny Ellen loves him so much." I am concerned.

Lisa suddenly kissed me. She pulled my waist closer to her. God. I kissed back ang inserted my tongue inside her mouth til her tongue met mine. I gripped her shoulders. I honestly missed this feeling when we're doing it. I am top of her kneeling while she rests her back at the headboard. Her hand is squeezing my butt already and push them down to her thing. We grind with clothes on but I felt her hardness down there and I know I'm wet.

She suddenly stopped.

"Im sorry Jen. I shouldn't have done that." She apologized. While I cup her face.

"Hey, Lisa." told her with my whispering voice while I lift her head for us to stare at each other.

"I am sorry. I don't want you to cheat on Luis." She said.

I got irritated. So I stood up and took my bag. Before leaving, I can't control it anymore. A tear fell from my eyes. Fuck. I am still into her. I care for her.

"Never in my life I thought of cheating on you when we're still together. There was never between Luis and I eversince. You're the only person I have romantically loved. I don't know why you made yourself believe that I'm with that Luis. We are friends and he is married now. Open your eyes, Lisa. Don't be drawn to your thoughts alone. You're a director, you must be a great observer yet how come? Get well soon okay? I'm leaving."

I left Lisa's place. I cried but I must be strong. I must bury everything in the past.

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