Part 12: Surprise! (Flashback)

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A big adjustment. Yes. This is New York. The lifestyle is different but yeah, I can manage.

I miss Jennie everyday. We call each other always, tell our day's stories. I watched her TV guestings and TV Ads.

I miss my TV commercial projects and films, but I am never coming back as an actor again. I don't hate my fans, it's just that, I am loving my privacy. I am loving this less attention.I can even do whatever I want now.

Film School is tough. It's never a piece of cake. I always tell Jennie my ideas. I am giving my best most of the time at school. She always tells me too that she plans to improve more so she does attend workshops. I am so proud of her.

Life here in New York is not that easy. Good thing I have my parents here. They have been residing here for five years already for our business. Lee, my big brother and Lucia, the eldest sister always give us a visit too.

A month has passed and I am working on my short film project. It's going to be about the metaphors of being rich and poor and how the world has politically invaded the hearts of people. I really focus on my studies right now because I have a big dream that I want to make it happen in the future.

Derik, my classmate from New York Film Academy invited me to a house party tonight. Our friends and other classmates will be there too.

Unregistered Number Calling

"Hello, Love." It's Jennie

"Jennie! How come you--" I asked curiously why she called me through a local mobile number here in New York.

"Well, I'm shooting a film for 12 days here. Can I see you tomorrow? I want to rest for a bit at the hotel when we get there." I asked.

"I thought it would be in Vietnam? Wow! That's great news. I am excited to see you, my love. Sure, let's meet tomorrow. Where do you stay? Do you want to stay with me? Please?" I begged.

"Ok! Lanford Suites. Pick me up at 8am?" Jennie agreed.

"Sure, love! By the way, my classmate invited me for a house party tonight. Will you allow me?" Asking permission to Jennie as always whenever I go out.

"Of course, how many times I told you that you don't have to ask permission from me. I'm not your girlfriend right? Go, have fun. Just don't drink too much, okay?" Jennie patiently told me with her sweet voice.

"Ok, love. You take care. Can't wait to see you tomorrow." I responded and Jennie dropped the call.

Hearing those words from Jennie made me assess myself if I am ready to commit. Came up with a thought. Shit. Yes. I am in love with Jennie and I really want her. Knowing she's here makes me crave for her right now. I am sure now. I will ask her to be my girlfriend. It's now or never. No holding back.

--------------HOUSE PARTY AT DERIK's--------------

I texted Jennie that I am already here at Derik's. She reminded me to take care and never trust strangers. I told her, I once trusted a stranger named Jennie Kim. Her reply "I am not like them. Remember how we make love? Remember how I kiss you? Think of how you feel while I hug you and hold your hand, Lisa. But other people, the might have bad intentions."

I replied, "You are one of a kind-- my only Jennie Kim."

When I entered the the house, again, all eyes on me and I secretly hated it.

"The Lisa Manoban is here." I can hear them chatting about me. While i just give them emotionless face. I thought moving here in the US would give me peace but yeah, not all the time.

"L! Thank God you accepeted my invitation." Derik welcomed me. He is a good friend of mine since I came here in New York.

People offered drinks and food to me. Some I take, and some I don't.

A girl approached me. Yes she is pretty. But no one is prettier and sexier than my Jennie Kim.

"Hey there. I'm Anna Brooks" She approached me and offered a hand shake.

"Hi." While looking around. I did not accept her hand actually. You know me. If I'm in love, I don't entertain other girls and of course. Jennie Kim is all in my mind now, tomorrow and always.

"Hard to please the Lisa Manoban, huh." She kept getting my attention.

"Hey L. There you are, Anna. Lisa, this is Anna Brooks. Playboy's cover Summer hot issue. She's also a model and an actress." Derik introduced her to me. I just noded.

"Anna, she's Li---" Derik was cut by Anna.

"I know her. The famous LM. I have been actually wanting to meet her in person. I love her shows and endorsements." Ana confessed.

Derik had a few talk with us and left.

"I knew you're coming here. So I decided to accept D's invitation." She's flirting with me Jesus.

"Ok." I replied.

"Woman of few words. Really, Lisa?" Anna asked.

I just gave her a small smile and went to an open room where D's entertainment area is located to have a seat. Knowing me, i'm not into crowded places and house parties. But when I was about to go, this Anna pushed a drink to my chest. Since she's very insisting, I accepted it and went away.

I felt dizzy after a few gulp. I was alone in the entertainment room. Anna followed me again. Jesus. Since I felt dizzy, I planned to take a rest for a while and surprise Jennie in a bit at the hotel.

"May I have a sit?" Anna asked.

I just lifted my right hand pointing the couch in front of me as approval. Damn it. She's really annoying.

She keeps talking. She even asked me about Jennie.

I passed out. Fell asleep. I didn't know what's next. There's something on my drink. As far as i can remember, I only drank 2 glasses of rum or less. Nothing more.

Woke up at 3am. I am still at Derik's.
I just decided to go home since I will be picking up Jennie in the daylight. I was supposed to surprise her last night. Damn.

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