Part 23: New York Madness (Final Flashback)

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The day after the premiere night, I went back to NY for the remaining weeks of Film School.
New York Film Academy is organizing a 3-day film showing of Skin. I am thankful because they are really supportive. I have been featured as cover in TIME Magazine entitled "Young Woman Of The Hour". The article's about my films, my passion and being an intersex. Originally, they also asked me about my relationship with Jennie but I requested to not include it in the article. The magazine reached Asia and Europe too.

Jennie always texts and calls me but I haven't given her any response at all since the day I left Seoul.

There are still news about Jennie and Luis dating, being together and they are now considered as Seoul's ultimate partners in film, TV shows and commercials.

My anger and hatred grow. I am not already sure of how I feel about Jennie.

She never stopped wooing me. But I became too cold in our relationship.

On the first day of NYFA film showing of Skin, a lot of college students and prominent personalities attended. I was surprised when Jennie is here present too.
I opened my phone and I have 137 unread messages from her. The latest one is she's telling me that she's flying to New York and if I can pick her up from the Airport. That was yesterday.

When our eyes met I just nod and sat beside her. She attempted to give me a kiss on the lips but I moved my face and her lips just landed on my cheek.

The show ended and we gave the audience the chance to ask questions about the film. It lasted for thirty minutes.

I was about to leave the stage when a girl from the press asked "Director L, what can you say about Jennie and Luis' closeness? Were they like this during your shoot?" Fucking bitch. Too insensitive to ask me this question when she surely knows that Jennie and I are dating.

"No, they weren't like that. And I don't have anything to say about how close they are. I am not in the position, I believe. By the way, Skin will be shown in cinemas worldwide. Thank you and have a good night everyone." I ended the interview.


"What was that, Lisa?" I whispered to myself. I can't believe she's too cold to me without hearing my side.

I got invited by one of the organizers from NYFA to join their night out at a Club tonight. I texted Lisa if she's coming but to no avail. I still went to the club hoping Lisa will be there.

When I arrived, it was too crowded. Our eyes met from afar. I don't think she saw me since she is near sighted. I didn't wait for her to fetch me at the entrance door. I made my way to them and sat beside her.  People from NYFA are really cool. They did not let me feel out of place aside from my girlfriend.

I noticed Lisa is drunk now. She's been drinking a lot from the time I arrived up to now.

"I'm going to the comfort room." She said while gripping my thigh.

"I'm coming with you." I offered.

Lisa just gave me an unpleasant facial reaction as a response. So I did not bother to guide her way. I actually wanted to go home. The music is too loud. If not for Lisa, I would find my way home earlier.

It took fifteen minutes until she came back to us. She didn't sit beside me. Instead, she stood in front of us and danced with a girl. I saw how she held the girl's butt and squeezed them. She caressed her back while they'e dancing and they are even whispering to each other. My heart crushed while looking at them.

In front of me now is Lisa kissing the girl torridly. I can't help but cry. I don't let our companions notice my eyes.I took Lisa from that girl and brought her home. She is really drunk.

I undressed her and wiped her body and put her pajamas on. She vomitted when we entered her room so I cleaned her mess on the floor.

I took a bath, wore her large t-shirt and laid my body beside her.

While she's asleep, I took her hand and rubbed it to my tummy.

"Let's fix this, my love. We're having this cute little angel inside me in eight months." I whispered to Lisa as I rub her hand to my tummy. I run my finger to her face and brushed her hair away. Watched her fall asleep deeply.

I found out I'm pregnant when I tested myself with a kit. It was during my photoshoot for ELLE, I felt dizzy and for days I felt something different with my body.

I woke up early and cooked breakfast for us.

Lisa was surprised to see me in her kitchen washing the pan I used for cooking.

"Come, let's eat and so you can take a medicine for your hangover. Here's your coffee. I know your head hurts." I invited her to eat and placed her coffee and medicine beside her plate.

We ate our breakfast without talking to each other. I'm giving a glance but she doesn't look at me. I ran my toes to her leg but she didn't respond.

"Lisa, let's talk. Can we?" I asked sadly.

"Go, talk!" She coldly said.

"Lisa, everything you saw at the beach is not really like what you're thinking. Will you please give me a chance to explain" I begged.

She just looked at me blankly and continued to eat her pancakes.

"Look, I know you were hurt. But love, you must listen to me." I said directly to her eyes.

"Everything you saw on the internet, our pictures and other articles are not exactly what you and other people think of." She is listening but not looking at me while I'm saying this.

"Love, you were once an actor. You know how the industry works. You know it was just all about promotion, right?" I asked.

"I know. But you did not make a way to stop it. You liked it. You liked him. You think I'm stupid, Jennie? You love to disregard how I feel about your fame! Let's end this." She angrily broke up with me.

"What? What the hell, Lisa? Are you out of your mind? I know what happened to you and Celine in the past is traumatic to you, but believe me please. Why don't you want to listen to me huh?!" I'm feeling being a downcast now, I don't know what to do.

She stood up. I followed her and blocked her way before she step out the door. I hugged her from the back saying "Love, I am sorry. I love you."

"I don't know what to say." Lisa answered in despair.

"I am four weeks pregnant." I told Lisa while I am kneeling down to her. I saw how surprised she is.

"That's not mine, right?" She seriously asked.

"You know what, Lisa, fuck you. You will never see your child." I felt devastated, weak and helpless. I ran away from her house.

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