Part 37: Living The Life

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So we're back in Seoul! We missed our little guy Civ.  Jennie has a four day straight video and photo shoot. So I decided to bring Civ to my office everyday. Few months left and we will enroll him at school.

We always surprise Jennie. We pick her up from her shoot everyday.

The next five days will be my busy schedule too. I will direct a commercial again and will do a magazine cover shoot for Figaro Japan for "She Is The Art" issue. I requested to shoot here in Seoul so I can still be with Jennie and Civ. Good thing the editor-in-chief is ok with my favor.

Moonwalker Prod is still the leading Film Prod House in Seoul. Foreign projects hire us too.
The show team has decided to replace Somi as the Travel Host of the show we're shooting and she will be replaced by Rosé who is now a multimedia star. We're so lucky that we have Jisoo as my Line Producer with us so Rosé accepted the offer smoothly. Somi has been blacklisted. Even Jennie and I didn't make a move to destroy her, other people did. The issue circulated in France first. Then it scattered international. French Paparazzis captured the moment she harrased me while we were shooting in Paris. Somi has no projects now. See what's going to happen if you're not cautious with your actions?

After a few months, I planned a surprise Christmas vacation for Jennie, Civ, nanny Ellen and I in LA. Spending Christmas in LA is one if Jennie's dreams. I think my fiancée just deserve all the happiness in the world, so why not.

"Love, thank you! You haven't forgotten." Jennie is teary eyed while telling me.

"Everything for you, my love." I said while hugging her.

We reached our homey hotel. It's not that crowded so we really liked it. We got the big suite with 2 rooms in it. Civ is excited to play with the snow. Jennie and I built a snowman with him just outside our hotel.

Our photos got trending again with our little one.
Jennie and I got a lot of messages from film and media companies offering us endorsements when they found out that we are in LA. We accepted only some as our main purpose here is to have a vacation as a family. The one I accepted is a Netflix original short film that I will be directing. The film has three parts and for the finale, Jennie will be leading the role. Originally,  we are only staying here for 13 days. But since we accepted the offer we will extend for another fifteen days. Checked my schedule with Jisoo and she made it smooth!

We brought Civ to Disneyland, Sta. Monica Piere, Universal Studios, Aquarium of The Pacific, LA Zoo  and Hollywood sign.

There were days also that I bring Jennie on a date. We watched a movie together at The Egyptian Theater, falling in line at In n Out Burger while we're hiding in our hoodies. Visited and took pictures of her at County Museum of Art. But still, seems like we can never getaway from the cameras.  So I brought her to the beach so we can spend alone time together with less people.

While we wait for the sunset, I started a conversation.

"Love. Hmmm. Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything, love." She said

"Hmmmm. Maybe, when we get back to Seoul, you can choose your wedding dress already?" I shyly asked. I'm shaking.

"Lisa, why are you shy?" She laughed.

"Because I still get nervous. I don't want to lose you. Or should I say, I am too excited to be your better half." I said.

"You already are. The wedding is just for us to be considered as legal." Jennie told me while cupping my face.

"It's different. I want to promise not only to you but also in front of God. In front of our friends and loved ones." I told her.

"You really make me smile, Lisa. Sure, we will prepare everything once we're in Seoul! Do you have a desired theme in mind for our wedding?" Jennie asked.

"Well, for me I want a rustic and classic type of bohemian theme. Not too colorful. I mean, I want earthly brown, yellow, orange, white and pastel pink colors for our wedding. But, the decision is still yours, my love. Anything you want." I told her while she's leaning on my chest as we watch the sunset.

"That's what I wanted too! I was actually looking for samples online last week for flowers and venue design. Hmmmm. Can we have a garden wedding in the late afternoon until evening?" Jennie sounds excited. Then she showed me some peg.

 Then she showed me some peg

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"Love, this is what's on my mind too!! Exactly like this." I said and too obvious that I am excited.

"Yes! I love you! Once we're in Seoul, I will contact our suppliers." Jennie said and I kissed her.

So we spent Christmas and New Year in LA. We're so happy to see Civ enjoying our stay here.

Next year, I want to spend Christmas at St. Gallen with my family. By that time, Jennie is already my wife since our wedding next year is in June. We both agreed.

Three days left of our filming here and we're done. I am excited to be back in Seoul. I have projects waiting for me there and as well as Jennie with her projects too. Netflix also offered another full length original film after a month and it will be shot in Seoul.

For now, I am so happy to spend the holidays with my fiancée and our son.

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