Part 33: Happy

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I got tested if I'm healthy enough to donate blood to my son. Jennie and I were so lucky that we are healthy and we can let our blood be transfused to Civ.

It' been three days since we're discharged from the hospital already. I did not go to work for a week to take care of my Civ.

This kid is really sweet. He's my alarm clock. Showering me with hugs and kisses every morning. I bet this kid will really make me a better person. Sometimes it makes me question If I really deserve to be loved by my son when all I did was deny him and hurt her mom in the past. But everyday, Jennie and my son make me realize that the change must start from me. I have to change myself for them because they are my family. 

Jennie is raising our child well. Everyday, I can see how he takes care of Civ. Jennie is a bit strict but that's because he loves Civ very much. I am the cool type. I give whatever Civ wants. But I make sure it won't hurt him or affect his condition.

So I'm back to work. Makes me feel good everytime Jennie checks on me. Sometimes she brings Civ to my office and also to the set location when I have a shoot and bring me food. People at work really love our Civ. He's kind and sweet young boy.

Jennie and I sleep in one room since the day they moved to my house. But believe me, nothing happened. Let's say, I am still winning her back. I am enjoying my view every morning.
I give her flowers with love letter in the daylight and massage her at night. But one time I saw her crying and smiling reading my love letter to her. So from that day on, I write love letters and give it to her every morning. If ever I will not be around for three days, I make sure I make three notes  for her.

I will be gone for 10 days for a movie that I will direct in Amsterdam. It's a new and fresh story I made entitled as "Curb". Everyday Jennie and I are talking through video calls so I can also see my Civ. Sometimes Jennie teases me, she sends picture of her . I also tease her sometimes sending selfies with my plump lips and tantalizing eyes. She then gets mad If I post the same pictures on Instagram. She wanted me to delete those. All for her eyes. Ugh. I miss her everyday.

The film was shown all over the world.

Jennie is so proud of me. We attended fifteen private screenings organized by our fans and groups. Of course, she's my date. The film was nominated in Oscars! believe, I just wanted to tell a story but God is so good to me.

Jennie agreed to be my date in the US for the awarding. We flew to America with Jisoo and some of our staff and producers. Seems like we can never get away from paprazzis at the airport.

Our film won the Oscars! Lord, you are so good to us, especially to my company!

We're invited to different screening all over the world again and also received a nomination in Berlin. Jennie never left my side at my worst and now she deserves to be in my success.

We won at Berlin Film Festival!

Screenings are getting bigger and wider. We even went to UAE as we got a lot of invitations too.

And so far, our favorite invitation was from St. Gallen because it's Christmas time.

How I wish we can bring Civ someday too. Speaking of our son, he is getting better. Few more to go and he will be cancer free.

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