Part 16: Alone Again (flashback)

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Jennie and I spent our remaining days together in the US whenever she's free. There was a time also that I visited her on set.

On her last day in the US, we did not had the chance to bond since I needed to go to Paris for Prada's Women in Summer Collection Fashion Show. I have been invited as guest a few months back. If only I knew Jennie's coming in New York, I could've declined the invitation.

I went back to the US after 3 days for New York Fashion Week and Jennie is no longer there. She went back to Seoul for a lot of endorsements.

The following week, I needed to go to Japan for a luxury car TVC shoot as endorser. Even if I quitted my TV and Movie acting career, I did not stop my endorsements. It's more fun. This shoot was postponed last year due to our terms and conditions. Good thing they agreed to my request so I can use other cars still. When I arrived in New York last year, they sent me their car and that's what I use here now. You know, I still wish to have a vintage car someday.

I am so lucky to have Jennie. She is very understanding. I know the time will come that I will be the one to understand her schedule. I must be ready for this from now on.

So here we are again, fighting for our long distance love. We made sure to call or text each other everyday. We also do video calls since we really miss each other always. Sometimes we could be naughty through calls too. but I think, that's just normal to couples. Hmm.

———————1 year and 3 months——————

Time has passed. I have been shooting a lot of TV Commercials and films. I am reaching my dream. I am almost there.

But one thing's missing. My Lisa. I want her everyday. Every hour.

"Love, can you please fly and hug me right now?" I told Lisa over the phone in the morning.

"My love, good morning. I dreamt of you. You're playing with a child. Both of you are so happy together." Lisa is happily sharing her dream about me.

"What? So you mean I had a baby in your dream?" I asked.

"Yes. And the baby in my dream, he got my eyes and lips. He really looks like me, my love." I chuckled while hearing this from Lisa.

"Hmmm. I think it's a sign for you to come home and undress me right now." I seductively teased Lisa.

"Jennie, don't do that please. You really want me to touch myself now, huh? Miss, for your information I am at the car right now on my way to the shoot. You know I can't resist you." Lisa controlled herself. I just laughed at her.

"It's happening, love! My first ever film as the director! 'Co-exist' was supposed to be a short film in class, but one of our mentors is a film producer and he liked my written story so he suggested to make it a full length film." Lisa was excited to tell me about her first film for school. I am so proud of her!

"Lisa, I am so proud of you! You focus at work today, okay? Remember I am here to support you all the way. I am sure you will do great. Take care, love. Text or call me anytime. Will answer back asap once I get your message. Ok?" I assured her.

"Alright. But I am proud of you more! Thank you, Jennie! I love you!" Lisa's sweet voice.

I dropped the call. Oh shit! I forgot to tell her that I love her too. So I called back and she took my call without any delay.

"Lisa, I love you more! I am in love with you so deeply!" Telling her like I am running out of breath.

"I know you're going to call me again with that bedroom voice. I know, my love. I can feel how much you love me. You take care. Bye." Hearing this from Lisa makes me miss her more and it's killing me.

I had to get up and have a bath! I almost forgot that I have a 10am meeting today for my next film.

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