Part 39: Rough, But Worth It

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It's been a week since Lisa is home. She is planning to be back Directing the following week. All she did in the house was play with Civ.

We also invited my Opthalmologist friend at home so her eyes will be prescribed with new pair of glasses and contact lenses for her to see clearly. The Doctor said, lasik treatment is not yet advisable at the moment. Maybe two months from now or before our wedding in June.

On her first night at the house she chose to sleep at the sofa inside our room. She's not comfortable sleeping with me. So I volunteered to sleep in the sofa so she can rest well in the bed knowing her condition. She rarely talk to me. Though she asks questions sometimes.

Sometimes I caught her staring at our pictures she captured.

But she is too cold to me. She never hugged me. Sometimes I cry too everytime she does not acknowledge my presence. But I know, I must be patient and I have to understand her condition. I will never give up because I love her.

One day, I toured Lisa in her office. She was shocked seeing my big picture frame in her office. She just looked at me and smiled. She's back in directing tv commercials as well.

There was a time when I came home late. I caught her drinking whiskey in our room's veranda. She's a bit drunk. She has this episode not only once but happened thrice.

"Hey, why are you drinking?" I asked.

"I don't know. I can't remeber anything. I can't remember you. I feel like hell. I feel like I'm a stanger in this world." She said as she cries.

"Come here." I held her in my arms and hugged her.

The next morning, I saw her and Civ watching TV together. Two of my TV commercials popped up on the TV. She's looking at me confirming if I was the one on TV.

"Is that you?" She asked coldly. But I laughed. She's so cute with her reaction.

"Yes. Why? Can't you believe your fiancée is that beautiful?" I asked her with a smile.

She just gave me a small smile and left the living area.

A week after, I had an endorsement for a tv commercial. Lisa is the director. I caught her taking glances at me. Her face is so cute everytime she looks at me. Seems like she can't believe I'm an actress.

A few days from now, It's going to be Lisa's birthday. I will suprise her. I hope she won't get mad if I take her camera first with me. I need to have some photos printed.


That Friday evening, I was touring our house. I saw photos of Jennie and I. She is so good to me. But sometimes, I make her cry everytime I tell her that I cannot remember her.

When I got so bored one night and I decided to go to my office room in the house. I saw our CCTV monitor. I viewed the cctv videos. I saw how beautiful Jennie is. I can feel something inside me. I am adoring her beauty. I was about to go out from the room when I saw old cctv videos inside our bedroom from two months ago. I saw us making love. It was intense but full of passion. Jennie's body is fucking hot. I felt my thing hardened a bit. I went out of the room and took a glass of whiskey from our bar. I saw Jennie in the kitchen fixing our utensils in her shining white nighties. I felt something is choking my throat as I examine her body. Then suddenly...

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