Part 13: Friday the 13th (Flashback)

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"I'm coming" that's the only message I replied to Lisa since this morning.

I was so excited to be with her. I missed her so much. I'm excited to explore New York with her.

But not until...

Facebook and news articles headline came out.

LM's American Dream.

Lisa's gonna shoot Porn?
The LM was blown.
Jennie and Lisa are over?
Advantage of a hot Intersex!
Anna and Lisa together?
Lisa and Anna: Hottest couple ever!

and more!

I cried upon reading the articles. I'm too sensitive and I couldn't believe she would do this to me. Why Lisa? I even cried on my knees when I see their photos scattered online. A lot of people are sending me DMs on IG and Twitter about the issue. But even if I got the news, I still gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Lisa hugged me so tight when she saw me and kissed me like nothing is happening.. I can't breathe.

"Let's get in the car." I said.

She opened the door for me.

"Love? I missed you. Let's eat first? Why didn't you bring you luggage?" She asked me and I just nodded.

She kept on talking. As we arrived at the breakfast and steak house where she wanted to bring me. She used to tell me during our video calls how delicious their food here. She held my hand but everybody was staring at us. I noticed Lisa is not even bothered and all I could see is happiness in her eyes that we are now together. What's happening? Isn't she aware? I want answers.

In the middle of our brunch, I heard the most awaited proposal.

"Jen? I know this is too early. And I know it's funny that these thoughts of mine are accompanied with shredded steak and not with flowers. I can't imagine myself being with other person. I can only see the world clearly when I'm with you. I am sorry if I kept you hanging in the air for almost a year. I am sorry if I was scared. I just wanted to fix myself first so I can be wholly yours. But this time, I know and I am sure. You are my only "sure" in my world's million "doubts". Jen, will you be my girlfriend?" Lisa sweetly delivered her feelings for me with a man playing a song with his the violin.

"Thank you for that wonderful music, Sir. But can you leave us for a moment?" I commended the violinist and asked a favor to leave us for a while.

"Lisa, are you numb? Are you not aware?" I asked.

"Love, what are you talking about?" Lisa's puzzled response.

God. Knowing her, she never lied to me. But this time, I am sure she is not really aware of what's happening around her.

"Lisa, look at this. Is that you?" I asked showing her her photo trending online on my phone.

"Fuck." That's Lisa's only reaction.

I can see Lisa's face now. She is so mad. She tries to explain but cant finish her words.

She trembled seeing my blank face.

"Will you join me? I need to ask someone about this photo." Lisa asked and I decided to come with her. Of course, I dont know the whole story yet. I love her and I am not here to judge the woman I love.

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