Part 15: And She Said (Flashback)

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It's Jennie's third day in New York and she has only 2 days left before her film shoot will start. That means, we have lesser time to be together.

I went to the hotel to pick Jennie up. I brought her to Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State of Mind and Central Park. In between, there were fans who requested to have a photo taken with her and me but I volunteered to just take their photos most of the time. You know. I have reservations. 

She wanted a bubble gum ice cream. So bubble gum ice cream it is while we sit at the bench in Central Park. She also shared with me that one of her dreams is to experience White Christmas and summer in LA. That is noted! I can sense that somehow, Jennie is slowly forgiving me. She keeps kissing me already and holds my hand. She even leans her head to my chest as we watch the view of New York.

This time, I won't let the day put to waste. Jennie is mine, I dream that someday, she will be the mother of my children and all I wanted is to be hers as well.

Again, it's now or never!

As we watch the calmnest of New York at Central Park and the lake in front of us, I held Jennie's hand and knelt down in front of her.

"Love, get up. It's not the right place for you to eat me." Crazy Jennie. She really has a great sense of humor. I laughed hard.


"My love, I know I have troubled you lately. But let me show you the wonders of our love. This is not going to be easy, but I will try my best to not make you experience life's hardships. But if ever there will be, I will hold your hand tight. Again, I am really sorry if I left you hanging in Seoul. As what I have said, you deserve the best. I know I can't be the best. But I am so eager to give you my "almost" best self. That's why I figured things out first, Jen. I made sure that I am whole before giving myself to someone who is so precious. My love, millions of uncertainty are there in my world and your are the only "definite" here. Jennie, maybe you want to be my girlfriend now?"

I was crying asking her. Tears also fell from Jennie's eyes. 

"Yes. Oh, my god. Yes, Lisa!"

I put the white gold necklace with a simple diamond pendant on Jennie's neck. You know how I decided on getting the perfect necklace for her? Well, my Mama chose it.

"This is so beautiful." Jennie appreciates the necklace and I noticed she keeps touching it on our way to the Hotel for her luggages.

I brought her home. Mama and Papa were so happy when we announced it. My parents love her so much. And it's too obvious she loves them more!

Jennie and I were so happy. We're officially a couple. I am the proudest and happiest woman right now. I have my Jennie!

We spent the night making love. Non-stop lovemaking until we got tired and fell sleep peacefully in each other's arms.

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