Part 7: MY COMFORT (Flashback)

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"Jennie." I mentioned her name out of the blue as I drive my car going to a coffee shop to meet Celine. "Jennie." Another sigh while tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

When I arrived at the place, I took my cap from the passenger seat and wore my black Rayban wayfarer. Making sure no one will notice me entering the place. Because yes, it is going to spread in the news if people or the paparazzi found out what I'm going to do in the coffee shop.

"Babe. Here!" Celine called my attention.

She hugged me and tried to kiss me but I moved my face away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Celine asked.

"This." I answered while looking down.

A big silence between the couple.

"Us, Celine. This is so wrong. You know what I mean." I added with pain in my eyes.

"Babe, I'm sorry. You saw the video Park Jin posted?" Celine asked.

"Yes. It's very clear." Lisa answered straight to her eyes.

"Look, I was so drunk that time. I don't even know that guy." Celine tried to make an excuse.

"You always do this to me. How many times I caught you? 4? 5? 9 times? And what do I do? I have alwaysbeen forgiving you because I loved you." I told Celine with pain my her eyes.

"Babe I--" Celine did not finish her words when I cut her.

"I'm done with us. I'm tired and scared of you already." I finally broke up with her.

"Lisa, don't do this to me." Celine begs. She took my hand. But I removed it from Celine's grip.

"No. You shouldn't have cheated on me. After I saw the video last night, my love for you completely vanished away. I am sorry too, but I can't take this anymore." My final words as I leave the place.


I went to school, finished all my subjects today.
It was around 6pm.
I walked slowly on my way to the parking lot.
I took a deep breath and sat on a bench near the university's football field.
I looked up enduring the pain as I thought of all the times Celine cheated on me.

A smell suddenly distracted my senses.

"It's ok. Go, cry your heart out. It doesn't make you less of a perfect woman." a sweet voice whispered in my ear.

I knew it's Jennie. She could smell her sweet and powdery fragrance.

I opened my eyes with a tear falling down my face. Jennie sat beside me and wiped my tears away.

"You wanna go somewhere else? MI know a place." Jennie suggested.

We arrived in a hill with an overlooking view of Seoul.

"Wow! Jen, thank you for this view. Thank you for being here." I said while appreciating the view and Jennie's presence.

I took the fresh air deeply while I noticed Jennie gazed on my face.

"I'll breathe with you. Go, cry if you want. Scream if you need to. Do anything that can ease the pain. I'm just here right beside you." Jennie comforted me.

I screamed my heart out. Cried.

"I'm going to be okay." I was panting.

We both sat at the back seat as I opened the roof of her convertible. Leaned our heads on the seat as we watch the perfect night view of Seoul.

From time to time we looked up above the sky and watch the stars. No one talked. Our bodies understand each other.
We're feeling the night breeze when we both inhale.

I put the music on.

Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex.

We both know the song. We sang along in a low voice.

We felt each other's skin when our hands accidentally touched each other.

I felt a static sensation. I could also feel Jennie's warm body.

I don't know why I just suddenly kissed Jennie deeply. I moaned, letting all my emotions out.

Jennie could see the pain now in my eyes.
She lets me do what I want. Yes, we're doing it again.

I undressed Jennie's top. I caressed her body. Jennie touched my body too while I am taking all my clothes off.

Jennie was aroused when I took her underwear below without removing her skirt. I unbuttoned my jeans and slid it down with my boxers. We're not totally naked but I know that we look so hot together.

I went inside Jennie slowly and we both moaned passionately.

Thrust and pumps from gentle to hard. Jennie couldn't stop kissing me.

We didn't care about our loud and hot moans until we reached the end. We came together tired but satisfied.

"You will be okay." Jennie told me while she's stroking my back and she hugged me.

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