Part 11: TV Show (Flashback)

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"Good morning South Korea! Welcome to our show! Our today's guest is the darling of the press, exceptional model, effective endorser and uprising star. Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Jennie Kim!" Sil, the host, introduced me.

"Hello, Jennie! So are you ready for our questions tonight?" Sil asked.

"Hello. Good evening everyone. Yes Sil, let's get it on." I greeted the viewers.

"So Jennie Kim. How are you? I mean, that you are where you must be right now. An effective endorser huh? You really is!" Sil asked.

"Well, I'm fine. I am thankful for everything and I'am excited to do more projects!" I answered.

"More projects! Speaking of, so that will be shot abroad right?" Sil asked again.

"Yes, but for now I cannot give too much information. We want to surprise you guys." I stated.

"Heaven! Okay so let's focus now on the current happenings in your career. The new Soju commercial shot months ago with The Lisa Manoban, can you tell us about it? Wait, I actually saw it already on TV and you two are really great endorsers huh? Can you share your experience with Lisa?" Sil asked.

"Oh yes, I think we shot that eight months ago and it is also still airing for same period of time. Long running. With Lisa, of course, at first I was really nervous because we all know she's a star with brands. During the shoot, she really made me comfortable." I answered.

"Comfortable huh? That's great news. We all know Lisa, how beautiful she is inside and out. But don't we miss her? God, I have heard that lady just left her career for Filmmaking, am I right?" Sil asked the audience.

This Sil man really wanted to dig me in. Should I tell on National TV what happend between Lisa and I after the shoot? Hahahaha. Of course, I can't tell him that Lisa and I were fuck buddies. Oh really Jennie? Just fuck buddies? My thoughts while I laughed at my self

"Jennie Kim. So, here.. we have to answer twitter questions from your fans." Sil started to read them one by one.

"What is going on between you and Lisa Manoban, huh?" Sil asked while pictures of Lisa and I being sweet, her holding my hand, us with smiles on our faces while having coffee. How on earth did Paparazzi took photos of us being caught.

I swallowed my saliva before answering. Looking at those photos on screen makes me miss my Lisa.

"Well, Lisa and I, from the day of the shoot became very close up to now." I answered.

"Is that all? More! Look at the pictures. Guiding you at school with her smile, look at that! When I drink coffee with a friend, that's not how I smile, but look at yours!" I can sense that Sil is excited to know more.

"Special. But I think, you should ask Lisa and not me." I answered facing the camera.

That question made me sweat! Good thing Sil asked more just about me during the interview. As much as I want to reveal what's going in between Lisa and I, it just makes me sad knowing that there was never an "us". We are just special to one another.

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