Part 18: Skin Shoot (flashback)

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Lisa is now back in Seoul two days ago. And today is the first shooting day for Skin.

As they were reviewing the shot list last night, she is already orienting Jennie about her character on the film. Jennie couldn't avoid getting mesmerized on the way Lisa talks about this film.


Today our shot list contains twelve scenes. Those are heavy scenes already. Good thing my naked body will be shot on the last shooting day.

"I don't want you to act. I want you to live in a different home as soon as we roll. Don't be friends with your character. Be your character. But after the shoot, don't forget to go back to your house, hug your loved ones and have a good sleep in your bed." Lisa talked to everyone on the set before we all start. All eyes and ears are on her.

"Fuck. My girlfriend is so hot. " I whispered to myself looking at her sitting in front of the monitor while she orient us.

How hot she is when giving us instructions and telling her vision how the film will look like while they shoot us. Everyone on the set is captivated by her genius gestures and words coming out from her mouth.

She is very professional. She's working as if I am not her girlfriend. She has no special treatment towards me. That makes her hotter. She's also strict when it comes to the technicals. One thing I admire about her even she's strict is that she uplifts everyone on the set. She respects everyone's suggestions. He commends his Director of Photography and Prod Designers with their camera angles and prod design. She never failed to say the word "Thank you" to whoever she's having an encounter with. But still, each treatment for the film and decision, her words and approval are the most important.

I sat beside her during our break and whispered "Do you know how hot you are right now, Lisa? If you don't know yet, let me touch you tonight so you'll know". I can't control my admiration to my girlfriend. I have worked with different Directors already, but she is different. Even if let's say she's not my girlfriend now, I would still be captivated with her directing prowess.

So, it's true. She doesn't waste time when shooting. She guides her actors and tell them precisely what she wants to happen as the Director and what we should do as actors.

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