Part 34: My Always

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Civ turned 3 years old. I wanted just a simple party, but here goes Lisa. She planned a big carnival themed party for Civ. Our guests were big personalities we have worked with and also politicians from other parts of the world. Her family came too. Mr. and Mrs. Manoban hugged me so tight when they saw me. I missed them too so much! So happy to see her siblings, Lee and Lucia too. I am also happy to see my parents very close to Lisa as well. 

The party was fun and it was all out the news and social media. Lisa was interviewed but before she started, she carried Civ in her arms while answering their questions. My heart!

I miss modeling and acting. I miss my endorsements. Brands and producers are just waiting for my come back. I think It's about time since Civ is already near being cancer-free. Thank God! And thank to Lisa for not giving up. She always sees to to it that Civ and I are her priority. She's the one who who used to bring Civ on his chemotheraphy. She didn't want me to come so I will not be depressed and stressed. You know, I always cry.

And yes, I went back doing endorsements and modeling. An upcoming film shoot is fast approaching too.  Lisa and I became couple endorsers and icons for different brands too. We travelled in different countries. Lisa and I will have another shoot of my endorsement and she will be the Director. It will be set in Paris next week. We're also both invited to come to Victoria's Secret Fashion show there.

We arrived in Paris. But before facing serious matter here, we decided to stroll around with Jisoo and Rosé and some of Lisa's friends in France.

I also accompanied Lisa when she received the Best Director and Best Picture for "Curb" in Cannes Film Festival. She was once again nominated and here she goes, getting her gold again!

I am so proud of her. When Bazaar Magazine found out that she's here, she was offered a magazine cover shoot right away and it will be shot tomorrow. She asked for my approval first and I agreed to come with her at the photoshoot.

After her shoot, Lisa brought me to a cafe near the Eiffel Tower. We took a photo first with the tower's view.

When we arrived, I was hooked with the cafe. I really love the ambiance. I ordered for Spicy Hot Chocolate.

After we had our drink, Lisa bought stuff for Civ. A lot! She wants to go back to the hotel first before dinner to have a video call with Civ and nanny Ellen.

After that, we're having a dinner in a private place in Paris. She said it's going to be at the veranda of a restaurant.

I can feel something weird in the place. A good kind of weird, I mean.

There's a young female singer and a guy playing the guitar inside the restaurant. They play Lisa and I's favorite songs. Then when they played "Can't Help Falling In Love", she took my hand and said, "Will my Jennie dance with me?" God! I almost melted! She was never this romantic!

I stood up as she held my hand and wrapped them to her neck. She placed her hands on my waist.

"My Jennie, I know I had been stupid and crazy in the past. I regret everything. I regret losing you. But I admit there's no one in my life when we broke up. Yes, I unintentionally played with others, but it's still you I think everytime. I healed myself and become mature with my decisions. I have learned from my mistakes. I told myself, if there will still be a chance, I will never lose you again. I wished for this day to come. And I hope for the day that I am going to marry you. You know what's the difference when you're with me? My heartbeat. It's the same heartbeat I felt when I first saw you. When I came back to Seoul, there's one thing I realized, I love you even more, Jennie. You've already given me the best gift anyone can have-- our Civ. But there are two more I'm going to ask from you, my love." She kneel down and took the ring from her pocket. "My love, will you be my girlfriend and wife from now on and always?" Lisa tells in tears.

I feel like the world stopped. And I said "Yes, my love." I cried. Lisa stood up after she put the ring on my finger and hugged me. She's crying. I placed my head on her chest and I can feel her heartbeat. It's true. It's totally different.

And now, we're engaged! Wait. It's too fast, isn't it?

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