Part 35: Jealous?

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You know why I am happier now? Because The Jennie Kim is not just my girlfriend, she is my fiancée!

We rocked the world when we both posted our photo together being engaged with a caption:
"You are my ALWAYS! 🖤"

We rocked the world when we both posted our photo together being engaged with a caption:"You are my ALWAYS! 🖤"

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Here are the articles again!!!
"It's A Yes for Love Is Sweeter Is Second Time Around"

"#JenLisa is both fucking hot with that engagement"

"JenLisa: Out and Proud"

"Director L and the apple of her eye behind the camera"

"Jennie Kim is indeed Director LM's hot subject."

"Lisa and Jennie, Always."

People on the internet raves about our engagement. We also received a video call from our Civ congratulating us.

We spent the night just hugging and kissing each other. Reading the comments made us laugh and cry in joy til we fell asleep.

It's our fourth day here and we're still doing our job why we are really here.

First day is a sexy TV commercial for Victoria's Secret. I will shoot as a director and Jennie is the endorser. How I wish she's also one of the angels walking on the ramp for the fashion show proper.

The shoot went well. Jennie is really astounding! She always surprises us even if we know how great she is as an actress and model already.

On the fifth day, I accompanied Jennie fashion show.

"Lisa, if ever I see you staring at other girls' body, I will remove your eyes and punch you." Jennie on her tigress charm.

"My love, when we broke up and I was in New York, I touch my gun down there thrice a week thinking of you naked. It's just you. Always you." I teased her and she never slapped slapping my arm. She's really fucking serious.

"Stop it. You sound like a pervert. " Jennie is irritated but she never removed her hand on my arm even when we arrived at the rehearsal venue.

"Blame your hotness." I whispered to her and she just gave me a kiss.

We watched the rehearsal but Iw as surprised when Jennie told me that she's going backstage. The models were already in VS underwear as they rehearse. 

Wait. Don't tell me Jennie will be..

Wait. She did not ask permission from me. Ugh. She doesn't have to ask you, Lisa.  But who's to blame? My fiancée is so hot.

While they're walking on the runway, the video we did yesterday that I directed will be shown.

Here goes my Jennie. So beautiful and sultry! All of them are great, but Jennie stands out even if she needs more a little height. But I guess her stunning Chanel heels are of big help.

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