Part 26: It's Good To Be Finally Back!

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Finished my technical meeting for the much awaited Louis Vuitton TV and Billboard Commercial shoot.

I'm inside my office, reflecting in life when a bird appeared on my window. It reminds me of my hardwork. How I worked for three years, almost everyday in New York just to save up even I was still studying film. I have now my own film production company running for a year already.

But I can't also deny that something's bothering me.

Jisoo entered my office for a short review of my schedule for the whole month.

"Director L, so here's our calendar of work for this month. Two commercials this week and another three next week including the LV shoot. Of course, we have meetings and editing in between. On the third week, we have four TVC shoot and a meeting with the Travel Show team. Remember? I chose our office's conference room as meeting venue for that. So we can squeeze in some of your editing preview sched. And lastly, I sent to your email the possible shoot location photos for the LV shoot. Once you've picked your choice, let me know which one and I will send to Lio and our Location Manager. Sched for next month, will tell you after 3 weeks. For this year, we you have three films and fifty six TVCs in line." Jisoo explained. She is really the best line producer!

"Ji, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Director. Just Lisa. You're my bestfriend. Have you forgotten? Noted on the sched." I said.

"I'm taking Rosé tonight on a date. Might propose for wedding. What do you think?" Jisoo's serious, dude!

"I think it's the best decision you'll ever make in your entire life, my buddy!" I am so happy to tell her. Jisoo smiled and I can see the happiness in her eyes.

"I know. Hey, L! I'm sorry about the LV shoot. I really didn't know it's Je-." Jisoo explained but I cut her words.

"It's fine. They just forgot to tell us. We can do this." I assured her.

"Is it really fine? Hey just tell me if you don't want to push through. We can give the project to Director Tasha. She works here with us at Moonwalker so nothing's going to be a problem with the bid. The project is already ours. " Jisoo gave me a choice.

I stopped for a while and she patiently waited for an answer.

"No. I will be directing it. This is LV. It's not that Tasha is not good enough. She is great actually. It's just that, I already know how these Advertising Heads from luxurious brands think. So I guess, I know their taste and vision for commercial endorsements. Just like with Gucci. They want earthy yet classy." I explained to Jisoo.

"Are you sure is that the only reason?" Jisoo asked.

I looked at her sharply and said,"Should there be any other reason?"

"Assess yourself, your feelings." That's all Jisoo said.

I breathe deeply.

"Hmmm. How is she? Does she know?" I asked Jisoo about Jennie.

"Yes, she knew even before you were informed. And it's okay with her. You know how professional she is right? Right Lisa? Until now, no one has ever topped Jennie when it comes to endorsements. Besides, she needs to earn money." Jisoo spoke proudly of Jennie but she's actually implying another point.

"Hmm. Okay. How is she and her kid? Haven't heard of her and Luis for a long time. I hope they're happy." I answered confidently.

"Why would you ask? As if you cared." Jisoo asked me as if I don't have the right.

"Nothing." I replied with a small smile.

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