6:Blue and Brunette

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He knew something got wrong.

Taehyung pushed the earpiece with his index finger and talked to Jimin. "Jimin, something is wrong. Something is crossing the threshold. You and Jin hyung with all the gang papers go upstairs and secure them, fast!" Jimin heard Taehyung clearly.

"Jimin-sii!?" Jimin didn't perceive it as he was listening to Taehyung across the earpiece.

Jimin took a deep breath before stopping Namjoon in mid-sentence. "RM-sii, just excuse us for a minute." He stood up with all the files, bow to them, and dragged Jin with him who was throwing questions at him.

There Namjoon was left dumbfounded but Yoongi sensed it that they are aware of invading which started.

Taehyung clicked something on his smartwatch which joined the connection with his men and black pink.

"Everyone, get ready and alert. Someone is coming." Taehyung walked to the club main area.

Jimin returned without Jin. He found Taehyung on the way, Taehyung asked about Jin and Jimin told him that Jin preferred to stay up as he ain't carrying any arm.

Taehyung stopped at the end of the stairs. He peeped at little, everything looked fine. He took a long breath and walked out. His steps matched the beats of the song playing behind at the dance floor.

As he walked he saw two unknown guys in jackets, ripped jeans, dressed like party boys. One of the two was brunette and the other was blue-haired. They were nodding their heads on the beat of the music and smiling, they seemed to be here for club fun like most young people doing. They can't be here for normal fun, this was clear to Taehyung.

"Hey!" Taehyung went to them

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"Hey!" Taehyung went to them. The blue-haired looked at Taehyung and acted naturally although he recognized the great gang leader of dark spades, V.

"Why are you here?" Taehyung asked.

"What why? The boy scoffed." It's a club what do you think we are here for? Obvio for fun" the brunette answered.

"Fun? So you ready to begin it?"

Taehyung took his gun out and pointed at the brown head. Jimin did the same with the blue-headed man.

As they did their move they heard a gun at Taehyung's head. That was Suga aka Yoongi who pointed the gun at Taehyung.

Reflex to Suga's action every waiter, people at the bar, the girls from the dance floor gathered pointing their gun at Suga's head. Some took the two 'fun boys' as a target as Yoongi's head was already crowned with enough guns.

It was clear that the 3 rivals right now were trapped but then a heavy crowd with guns entered through different gates.

Firing started

There was a sudden rush and Taehyung ducked behind the tables.

The club was echoing with the sound of gunshots, shattering of glass, bullets burring in wood, and couch matters.

People were switching shelters, shooting over their enemy. Taehyung looked from the gap of the bar shelf. His eyes scanned the area and dropped on one particular person.

Those eyes and masked face, the height, body build, and persona of the person who was hiding behind a pillar looked just like what he saw in that picture.

Jeon Jungkook.


Taehyung was confirmed, something in him was telling him that this is the person he was looking for.

His target.

Taehyung changed the empty magazine of his gun into a filled one. When he looked back at the person, he noticed his eyes on him.

Those intense eyes appeared like calling for him, shouting at him, in his mind he felt like saying that this is the person, the man, the one who is alive for him

Just to get caught by him.

Taehyung's face hardened, he jumped over the bar counter and started walking towards him, ignoring everything coming towards him.

The other did the same, walking towards Taehyung. They both loaded their gun on the way. Staring like they want to see through each other. As they reached closer they pointed their gun at other's heads.

Their fingers ready on the trigger, eyes staring at each other and gun pointing at their heads.

Their minds were eager to pull the trigger.

But their hands were pushed.

The surprise and push made their guns fall. When Taehyung and Jungkook looked up, Taehyung saw a shocked, furious, panting Jin in front of him staring him with wide eyes. Jungkook saw Namjoon, short of breath, looking at him with questioning face.

The club went silent, no one was shooting anymore. They all were out from their hiding places, looking at the four men in the middle of the club and two guns on the floor.

"Whatttt!?" Jungkook demanded the answer.

"What what? Y-You can't do this!"

"Why?" Taehyung asked.

"Because" Jin searched for answers "we don't want you two to be foes"

"Why??" the club echoed this time Jimin and Suga asked and then looked at each other as they shouted at the same time.

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other and then gulped. This didn't have to be like this.

"Because—" it's better to tell now. Namjoon and Jin interweave their hands and said in jointly

"He is my fiance" 


Is there any sense in this part?
When I was writing it... I felt too much

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