38: Starless Night

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"hey, Taehyung you know what?"

"what?" Taehyung responded, both Jungkook and Taehyung laid on the bed, getting cozy in a blanket, cuddling and staring at each other.

"you are beautiful," Jungkook said 

He didn't feel like he was the usual Jungkook, the cold jerk who rule the black nation. He felt like the old little Jungkook just added with some flirtiness.

Taehyung didn't reply, he did not use all these compliments but something in him just felt happy. Everything went fine, the chances of taehyung's and jungkook's relationship getting awful were high but nothing happened like that, it was just a matter of some hours and everything went happier. Taehyung found Namjoon as his Hyung and Jungkook as the person he loved so much.

But outside the lighted up mansion, it was a dark cloudy night today. There were no stars, and there was no moon. No source of light. Just the dark swallowing night with a blanket of cloud covering the bright shining sky and giving no hope of glow to the people down

and at this moment one could smirk.

"Even though there aren't any stars out tonight, you are still shining like one" Jungkook complimented but then all of the sudden he asked.

"do you have bandaid?" Jungkook again spoke

"huh?" was just the answer from Taehyung, isn't it obvious, Jungkook asked something too random and Taehyung was already confused at jungkook's random flirts.

"because I scrapped my knees falling for you" Jungkook shrugged

"ew! Where are you getting these from! What's up with the sudden pickup lines" Taehyung made a disgusted face, he doesn't really type of person to get some cheezy, cringy flirts.

Jungkook's mouth left a chuckle, he was teasing Taehyung as he knew that he doesn't like those weird stuff but he sometimes acts like that. Just sometimes

Taehyung rolled his eyes before closing and acted like he is sleeping till he felt a peck, a peck on his lips. He didn't open his eyes, sure that it is from Jungkook and just a smile made his lips curve up.

"did the sun come out or did you just smiled?" Jungkook again did a tease and got a quick playful slap on his chest by Taehyung. they chuckled and then fell in silence, it was really comfortable and cozy. 

"by the way Jungkook"

"hmm" jungkook hummed at tae. 

"When you said that am I really tiger before I called you bunny, did you mean that you already figured out that I'm.... you know... tiger?" although they went through so many things this didn't slip Taehyung mind.

jungkook sighed "You remember when once near the pond at the back of the orphanage we talked. I said that I will find you with your weird habits or something like that, so I guess it was your habits that made me think of you as Tiger." Jungkook explained. He remembered things from the past, even though he was young, he still remembers some important details that remind him of his love tiger, or now we can say Taehyung.

He continued to explain what really made him doubt about Taehyung and tiger. "your smile, your boxy smile, you explained that you had a brother, Your habit of making choose fingers, me getting so comfortable with you. Everything I missed about the young you made me doubt that. But I wasn't sure, now I am. I love you"

Jungkook spoke in the softest voice, he lifted up Taehyung's hand who was laying beside him, and pecked on his knuckles. "you should sleep now, today was a tiring day" he again spoke, brushing his fingers on the person's hair whom he adores so much. He forgave Taehyung for what happened, nothing really matters him if he has Taehyung beside him who loves him back, whose eyes don't lie, whose past tells him that he was made to be with him, and Jungkook wanted to do everything which can make them live close.

He loves Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung's heart never stopped banging in his ears hard. He wanted to mood up when Jungkook indirectly called him weird, but he did not say anything as he was busy admiring Jungkook. Jungkook's cherishing words lifted up Taehyung to the heavens. He felt loved by the person he loves so much, what more could he asked for.

Both of them felt their eyelids heavy in the warmth of others' embrace. It was soon when they drifted to dreamlands which do not contain any nightmares. Only love. No devil interrupted them in the dreams, but did the devil stopped in the real-life?

Their morning was not a welcoming one as taehyung's phone kept ringing which was resting on the nightstand when the clock was still about to strike  4 in the morning. Taehyung whined on the ring, it was really irritating, and Taehyung wished for five more minutes of his beauty sleep in jungkook's arms.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched his hand to the nightstand, as Jungkook's hands were securing Taehyung in the cuddle it was hard for him to pull the phone.

The efforts worked and Taehyung managed to take his shaking phone in his hands. His squishy eyes went wide and his heart hit a pang when he read the number. It was Jackson. The devil

"Jungkook, Jungkook!! Wake up!" he almost shouted. Jungkook did a hmm but didn't move. Taehyung shook Jungkook like anything when he didn't give any response and Jungkook half-opened his eyes looking at tae with confusion.

"its Jackson's call" Taehyung managed to say, this made Jungkook get up on the bed with a jerk followed by Taehyung.

Taehyung's phone again started to ring. Jungkook took the device and accepted the call, turning it on the speaker.

"good morning tae, did I wake you up early?" Jackson called out.

"what do you want?" Taehyung questioned with an irritating voice.

"huh? How many times I have to say it? I want Jungkook!" Jackson repeated what he is demanding from almost months.

"WHY! WHAT HAS HE DONE TO YOU!" Taehyung got it on his nerves. He was done! There is no way he will let go of Jungkook.

The immediate answer both of them got was giggles by Jackson. Jackson really found all this funny.

"its nothing of your matter!" Jackson replied

"Jungkook is also nothing of your matter! You won be able to do anything"

"oh! I've already done... maybe you will get enlighted in some more time" the news by Jackson that he already made some move caught Taehyung and Jungkook to their attention.

Taehyung started to make every possibility of what he could have done.

"and Taehyung, you should stay away from him, he doesn't deserve you" Jackson's voice came out

"I don't deserve him for whatever I've done to him, only because of you! and don't call me Tae, its Taehyung for you" Taehyung met eyes with Jungkook and talked to Jackson on phone.

"really tae! I think he hasn't told you yet" and this made Jungkook go in deep thoughts of what Jackson know and what he hasn't told tae yet

"what do you mean?" Taehyung asked in a confusing way

"The reason you are an orphan" Jackson smirked across the phone, making jungkook's heart go stop along with his eyes going wide.

"ask him how mercilessly he shot your real parents. Ask the person you love so much"



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just asking, cuz I've already decided one...

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