16: YOU!

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The towel from which I was ruffling my head socked the water from my hair. The shower was refreshing; the lukewarm water lightened my tired mind.

But I don't think the shower helped me taking out the thoughts working in my mind, making a real fuss.

But no matter what, I will sleep and not think. I promised to myself.

I relaxed myself on the bed, it gave me an instant relief and helped me to feel my mind empty and zoned out. I found a comfortable posture on the mattress and drifted to my dream land which is mostly filled with nightmares.



The yellow tape around the damaged area

Shattered glass

Tire marks on the road




Police siren

Ambulance howl

An upside down car

And a ring held in my palm.

: These are the things I could see and hear



Short of breadth





And a tear drop on my cheek

: These are the things I could feel

I was scared, scared to death, scared of death, death of my loved ones, death of the only person I have, the person so meaningful to me, the person whose body is covered with the white sheet, the same type of cloth which is used to cover the rest of what they are calling as dead bodies.

I could see it. One, two, three, four, Threes big ones and one small, that I wasn't able to save.


I won't believe it.

It's just been a week, he was adopted a week ago, he promised me to not leave me, to text me every day, that we will go to the zoo, which opened two months ago, he said he will buy me chocolates from the pocket money he's been saving.


Enough you fraud, get up now, enough of this prank.

Don't make me more worried, it's been hours with you sleeping on that messed up floor, get up!

Stop now, please


Don't do this

Don't make me feel like dying, don't make me crawl like a ball, don't make me cry, my eyes sting already, my head pains, I can't breathe, please

They said I won't be able to see you again, feel you, and enjoy your silly things.

I miss those things, I miss you duffer.

I'm giving you the last warring, get up now, you will just get some kicks and punches, if you won't get up now I will kill you, no one will be able to save you from my hits.

Wrong Love | taekook✔️Where stories live. Discover now