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"We are just parking, wait for us at the entrance"


The call hung up from the other side and Taehyung gulped, facing Jungkook who was looking more stressed. Taehyung patted on Jungkook's shoulder and smiled softly, "don't need to worry, our death is near, they are in the parking lot" he calmly mentioned just to hear an ugh from Jungkook.

When Yoonmin met Taekook 2 months ago they promised that in the next visit they will accompany others, and so they were here to keep their promise.

Jin turned the car off and softly sighed. The guy beside him was more stressed. It was only Jimin and Yoongi in the car whose hearts were not at a point to explode out of their rib cage. Yoongi patted Hoseok's back who was sitting beside him at the back seat and shaking his leg in nervousness.

"guys" Jimin politely called, Namjoon and Jin from the front seats turned around, the 5 of them in the car looked at each other, Jimin nodded silently saying 'we can do this' without words and smiling a little. The rest copied his actions and soon they emptied the car.

Jimin and Yoongi led their path towards the entrance. "Tae! Jungkook!" Jimin called as the couple came to their sight. He ran to them and took both in his arms at the same time, his smile was going ear to ear and Yoongi was standing near them waiting for his chance to come.

Taehyung and Jungkook hugged Jimin back and a smile automatically made its way to their lips. They pulled out just to get engulfed by Yoongi. Yoongi patted both of their backs. When Yoongi moved out of their way they meet their eyes with the three figures who were standing there, frozen and drained out the expression on their face.

Taehyung and Jungkook slowly made steps to the three. "hey hyungie" Taehyung small voice called them.

Jin and Namjoon followed their actions and came close to the other couple.

Taehyung was standing parallelly to Namjoon and Jungkook to Jin.

Their lips went in a straight line and Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon took a step more just to get crushed in a hug by the opposite standing person.

The older couple didn't exchange words and just hugged, feeling what they missed, the realization that their younger brothers were well with all body parts on their place overwhelmed them intensely.

It was soon when the pair changed and Jungkook went to Namjoon and Taehyung went to seokjin.

"are you guys forgetting me?"

A voiced called out and Jungkook's and Taehyung's eyes met with and the person they left. Hoseok ignored the bile in his throat, the grumble of his stomach when he saw his mates in front and he gave a chuckle followed by a wide smile.

How can a smile be controlled when Taehyung and Jungkook saw their hobi Hyung. Their corner of lips curled up and eyes getting crescent. In a quarter of second Hoseok was engulfed by Taekook, he almost felt like getting chocked and regretted his want for the hug.

The seven stood in a circle and shared recent talks, aware of the fact that to go in deep words they have lots of time now and they didn't have any will to disconnect from any of them.

A long race of sigh ran in the group when they felt that they should walk further and do for what they come here.

They entered through the gate Infront of which they were standing. The big label above the metal bar gate stated that this was a big hit orphanage home.

Kids ran in the lawn of the shelter house, some playing and some catching to beat the other. The European branch of this house had many different looking kids, the diversity here was huge.

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