31: Ace

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 hey, double update, lol check the last ch first... love you

"Let's see where we can go now" he said taking out his phone but I stopped him.

I pointed out my two fingers to him "choose one" I said. His eyes got little shock in them, he looked at me then at my fingers and then back at me. "I know it's childish but go for it" I informed after rolling my eyes on his reaction.

I saw him gulping before he chose one of the finger and a smile started to make way on my lips.

"Let's not go somewhere in particular. Can we just have a walk, the weather seems good" I said shrugging. I wanted to stop the time, or make the time go really slow.

He stared me for some time and then nodded, smiling. We started to walk in which seems like a park, it was a warm day of winters. But I knew it will be a dark night after this bright sunny day.

I really have some hope that Jungkook will forgive me If I will tell him everything truth fully. But maybe it will take time; a long dark night of winter will be there for me before I will see the next morning which may not be as bright and sunny as it is now.

While walking I felt him brushing his hand with mine multiple times, I wasn't a naive to notice that these moves were intentional. He acts really tough from outside but inside he is really a sweetheart.

I took his hand in mine, interweaving our fingers, and he turned around me acting like he is shock and not getting what I'm doing. His expression made it difficult for me to stop my smile. "I know you wanted it, shut up" I teased him and he turned his face around to hide his smile. "Don't make it difficult for me" I heard him.

I stopped walking making him also halt back and look at me. "What am I doing" I spoke, hugging his biceps and showing my puppy eyes, how many centuries it's been since I did that? And now I'm doing this weird expression, for Jungkook.

He stared at me for some seconds, looking at me with his breath stopped. I winged my eyebrows making him snap and he released the breath he was holding.

His warm air brushed my face, we were so close, and I could feel my heart going crazy.

"You are making me want to kiss you" he murmured looking in my eyes like if they contain his endless universe.

My heartbeat increased, and every cell in my body screamed to him for a kiss, I miss it. I wanted him to do it, the last time.

"What is a kiss? I don't know so show me" I said, maintain my innocent expressions but inside I wasn't pure.

"I'll show you" he said before grabbing my waist and pinning me to the nearest tree. I was really startled with his sudden action.

"I know I said I'll give you time to sort but I'm sorry" he said and smashed his lips with mine before I could explain that there is nothing to sort.

Our bodies were pressed against while he kissed me passionately. He grabbed my thigh, lifting my leg and placed it over his hip, around his waist as he deepened the kiss.

I did a small jump and wrapped my legs around his waist tightly. My back was against the tree and his hands on my waist supporting our postures. One of my hand was in his hairs and another on was hanging over his shoulder.

Our kisses turned into slow, broken smooches. As we passionately kissed I opened my eyes slightly, my eyes went to the person standing behind Jungkook. I stopped kissing back making Jungkook also stop. I looked weirdly behind him. He turned his face around to see a small boy with the ice-cream cone in his hand from which all the ice-cream melted. He was staring at us with wide eyes.

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