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Hello readers am happy that you are reading this.

Word count: 1424 🤗🤗

Lucinda's POV
After everyone threw some sand into Maria's grave some men started covering up the grave.
God I couldn't imagine Maria is gone.
I can't even imagine a day without her.
I started crying like a baby and it seemed like I was alone because no one seemed to care. I continued pouring out my sadness and the floor until I felt a hand on my cheek with a thud.
What the fuck.
I looked up to see Lukas. Of course he would be the only person who would slap me on a day like this. We hadn't even reached home so that he could start his torturing.
I flinched as I held my cheek as it turned red due to the slap.
' can't you give her some time to rest? ' he yelled and the whole crowd turned to us.
' you killed her and yet you keep interrupting during her funeral, I see you don't have some respect for someone who loved you ' he said as he pushed me to the floor.
Wait I don't get, wait is he saying, I was only crying not interfering.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when two huge boots stood in front of me.
I looked up to see an angry Lukas staring at me.
' get out, now!!!! ' he yelled. ' go and wait at the car ' with that he went back to concertrate on the funeral.
I ran so quick to where the the family car was parked and stood beside the car.
Wait what did I do?
I don't still get why he hates me for no reason.
With that I started crying and I remembered something, what Lukas said was ringing in my ear.
'..... That's why you are a curse, all you did since you came into my family was to bring pain.... '
Those words kept replaying in my head and I cried the more.
After the ceremony was over everyone started leaving but i waited for Lukas and the rest to come out, after some time they did and everyone seemed to look at me with disdain.
What's wrong??
I knew I would never get the answer to my question so I just stood there thinking of what made them all angry.
Taylor walked up to me and I grabbed me by the neck.
' you monster, my mum did nothing but show you love but all you did was to end up frustrating and killing her huh ??'
' I- I didn't kill your mum ' I tried to talk and at the same time tried to breathe as his grip grew stronger.
' I should have known, all you wanted is to kill us one by one huh??' he yelled.
I didn't respond knowing fully well that responding won't solve the problem.
My hands went to his grip and tried to get his hands off my neck but to no avail.
' plea- please let me go ' I plead but he just seemed to smile.
What ;!!!;
Taylor was enjoying me begging and I didn't like it one bit.
Soon enough he threw me unto the floor like I was a piece of trash.
He abruptly walked Into the car, the rest followed and then it was left only Emilia.
Emilia was one of the persons I normally shared greatest fears and worries with, she was like a sister to me and I felt she felt the same way too but right now I didn't know whether she still held that feeling because she looked ate with so much disdain that I felt like she was going to strangle me if she had the chance.
She bent down toward me and leaned closer.
Maybe she still believed in our friendship anyway.
But I was wrong.
Totally wrong.
She raised her eyebrows as if she was thinking of something to do to me and before I could think of what her choices would be she slapped me.
I glared at her at the second time holding my cheek.
This was the second time this evening I had been slapped.
' I trusted you Lucy, but all you did was to betray me, why ? ' tears slipped down her lashes and then to her cheek.
' Emy, I don't know what you are talking about ' I said trying to win her trust but seemed like I was talking to a brick because nothing got in.
She just stood up abruptly and walked towards the car.
I couldn't believe that Lukas had turned the whole family against me so quickly.
To be frank I was shocked.
' are you getting in the car or not ' a voice called out and I stood up and got into the car.


When we walked into the house I ran straight upstairs.
I was running to the only place that comforted me at all times.
My bedroom.
I ran as fast as I could in order that when I get in I will never come out.
I reached my floor and ran towards my room. When I got there I smiled knowing fully well that this was my only safety right now, at least for the mean time.
I turned the door Knob but the door didn't open.
I tried again but to no avail.
Wait am I in a dream or something, or my door is going crazy.
I didn't remember locking my door when I was leaving for the funeral and the fact that I was seeing it locked was like a horror movie that I wouldn't like to experience.
' you look worried pretty ' .
I flinched at the sound of someone behind me and I turned abruptly. And then I saw Lukas smiling at me.
' haven't you done enough to me already? ' I said as I controlled the anger raising.
And then he slapped me.
Making it the third time this evening.
' do you have an idea who you are talking to ??' he yelled and I could feel the walls trembling.
I looked at the angry eyes staring at me with so much disdain.
' am sorry ' I said and he smiled.
' good girl ' he said holding my hands. ' would you mind if I show you your new room??' he said.
Huh ??
Is this guy going nuts?
I have been slapped three good times,
All their back had been turned on me,
And now am being ushered to a new room.
Is this some kind of trap?
' Alpha but am okay with my room ' I said trying to let my q hallway. It looked like those hallway you would see in horror movie and I didn't like it one bit.
' Alpha am supposed you missed your way ' I said calmly trying to get the fear in my voice out.
He didn't seem to respond and then we landed in front of a door that was a bit cracked. It had so many holes in it and looked like it was meant for rats only.
Lukas shoved me into the room and smiled at me.
' make yourself at home, and then by tomorrow you will be briefed on what your duties are ' he said.
' my duties ??' I asked with so much shock.
He laughed and banged the door as he left.
I wanted to cry but I stopped.
I can't cry again, this man is not worth my tears.
I made up my mind to build up a wall that no one could break in order to hurt me.
I stared into my room and decided to clean it up.
The room was quiet small but had the stuff a normal bedroom would have but almost everything here was either old or worn out.
I was even surprised that the tap to the bathroom sink was still working.
I sighed as I bathed and went to the closet to see that my clothes had already been packed and dumped into a heap.
I searched for my night wear and arranged my room at least to look modest and then I went to bed at least to get some sleep before tomorrow.
The images of Maria telling me to she was there watching over me kept me a bit calm and soon enough I drifted off into sleep.


Hey lovely readers am so happy that I updated early enough so that u don't keep you waiting.
So I want lovely comments on how this chapter went for you and I will appreciate the best person who commented on my next chapter.

From your lovely author.

Valery 😘😘

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