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Hello guys

Finally am back and here is an update.

Am really sorry for the late update tho and I was trying to make that up.

Okay here we go...

Word count: 1196

Linda's POV

The drive down to where ever we were going to was so damn long and slow although deep down I knew they were more than 24km/h. I kept sighing and moving uncomfortably on my seat although I was really uncomfortable because sitting here with this annoying Alpha beside me wasn't something I was happy about.

I could still remember the sad faces of Olivia and Stacy, even Maddox looked angry. I sighed as I remembered what Stacy did to me. I couldn't really place what exactly I had done wrong because we were perfectly fine before the event.

Was she possessed??

I never believed in spirits but right now I was weighing my options because presently witches exist and maybe probably spirits.

Yeah maybe she was possessed.

I sighed again but this time I pushed my head backwards and closed my eyes.

"Are you alright?" The voice made me almost to jump. Almost.. I finally scoffed and turned the other way.

"I am perfectly alright Alpha" I stated in a matter of fact tone which made him to growl in annoyance and I ignored him. I wasn't even planning on talking to him untill he takes me home.
And I mean back to Maddox.

As if he finally got my message, he didn't push further with questions and decided to keep mute which I appreciated deeply.

Suddenly my eyes lids started to drop and then I felt sleep consumed me.


I woke up as I felt the car stop. I looked around and I noticed that it was already dark and the light from the mansion like house illuminated the whole place with other street lamps around too. The house was magnificent and beautiful and I could see people moving up and down inside  but I could notice only their shadows due to the thick linens of curtains.

The porch was pretty and filled with beautiful fresh flowers. The air around here seemed cool and calm apart from the person who was beside me.

I got down from the car as I noticed that Aiden held the door open for me.
"You didn't have to do that, I have hands" I spat and he didn't say a word.

"This would be your new home" he stated before I could even brush past him and I stopped in my tracks.

"You took me away from my home!" I whisper yelled and I arced his eyebrows.

"We are...." But I beat him to it.

"Remember? We are not yet mates. You said that yourself" I seethed

I planned on pushing him to the edge that he would send me back home and it looked like it was working perfectly well untill....

The wind shield of the car was sent flying around. I gasped as I flinched and moved away from him. He actually sent his fist towards the glass and everything shattered. Blood was sipping from him knuckles but he didn't seem to care instead he was holding one of the most frightening frown I had ever seen. That's what made me scared.

"I don't want to ever hear those words from you again, do you understand?" He snapped and I eyed him.

This guy was really insane. He was the one who made the statement in the statement in the first place and now he was warning me against it?

Oooh I get it now... This guy thinks he can boss me around right? Hell no.

"What if I don't want to obey?" I asked as I folded my arms as I tried to look intimidating but deep down I was actually getting scared of what he might do to me if I don't comply.

Suddenly he yanked me by hair and pushed me to the car in a position that I was leaning my back on it with my hair in a painful manner on his hand. I suddenly whimpered as the pain got worse. I could have sworn that my hair was pulling out gradually.

"You.will.do.as.i.say!!!!" He said again and then a smirk came on his face and I freaked out. This guy was really insane.
"Or...." He whispered as he brought he lips close my ear and brought the other hand to my thigh and I froze.

Sweat trickled down my forehead as the courage I had was swept clean.
"Or I will have to force you, mate" he said as he kissed me on my neck and then walked out and then leaving me on the cold.

Immidiatly he left, I let out a huge amount of breath that I didn't realize I was holding untill then.

No no no
What had u gotten myself into..

I decided to calm down and breath.





I finally had the nerve to stand up straight and take in my sorroundings. Where he had kissed me left a tingling sensation on my neck and i could feel my wolf rejoicing up and down in my head.
I also felt sparks which I guess was due to the mate bond and it felt good but at the same time felt so dangerous that I decided to shake off stupid thoughts out of my head.

"Or I will force you"

His words kept replaying in my mind and I cringe at the thought of being locked up again and beaten but this time by my own mate.

I knew what to do....
I was going to avoid him and avoid him totally till he comes and begs for forgiveness but deep down another part of me asked if he would actually do that or force me again to see him like he just did.

I groaned and I hit my hand on one of the car glass but it didn't break like Aiden's instead it sent pain through out my whole arm. The glass was really strong so how did he manage to break it.

"Linda!!" I was brought back to reality by a sudden voice and I turned and saw that it was Ivy who came walking towards me from the front door.

"I have been waiting for you!" She frowned slightly but later replaced it with a smile and I smiled back at her.

"I was kinda lost"

"Wait... Didn't you come with my brother?" She asked looking confused and I nodded.

"He just left" I said and she growled.

"Just let him be, he might be busy" I said as I gave her a fake smile and then he looked at me thoughtfully as if sensing that am lying but didn't push it further as she nodded and held my hand and led me to the house.

My eyes kept travelling round the whole place till it landed on someone looking intensely from a window on the fourth floor.


Okay okay am done with another chapter...

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Love you all.

Valery 😊😊

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