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Hello guys am back.

Word count: 1013

Linda's POV.

Saying those words made me feel indebted to him and my wolf was just growling in anger too.

' you fool what are we going to do with our mate ?' Nina asked still growling.
' come on we aren't going to find our real mate ' I snapped.
' wtf, who told you that. I can feel he said s looking for us too ' Nina yelled.
' Nina we aren't even safe to be talking about a mate ' I said calmly.
' Ooh yeah but we are safe in making some stupid guy who is just after the well being of his pack not even you your mate? Linda you are so foolish for that ' she yelled again.

When Nina said that I was a bit angry and I blocked her out immediately but after that I noticed the truth in what she was saying.
Maddox wasn't into me because he liked me it was because of his pack and I didn't want to believe that but deep down I knew it was the truth.
I was brought back to concoiusness when Maddox called my name.
' Linda aren't you ready to go to bed ?' he asked.
' I am. Thanks ' I stood up immedaitly avoiding his helping hands and was about to walk away when he held my hands.
' What's wrong ?' he asked.
' I don't feel like acting again ' I said not turning around and I felt his hand leave mine.
' I see ' he said that in a way that looked like Taylor's words and I forced myself to turn around and in that process he pushed me to the wall.
' you will have to do as I say lady ' he said and abruptly grabbed my chin to face him.
I tried turning my gaze somewhere else but his grip only tightened.
' I tried to be calm to you, I even promised you to be safe with me but you decided to play stubborn huh ?' he yelled and I flinched. With that he smiled and I found out that I had fallen into another kind of Taylor.
He threw me to the floor and bent to reach my level.
' from now hence forth you will call me mate okay ?' he said smiling
' and what if I don't ' I asked as I moved backwards.
' hmmmmm let me think. Maybe I would decide what to do to you if you disobey ' he said looking into the sky.
' and hate you ' I snapped and spat on his face.
He was shocked at first but it followed by a big frown and then I fist landed on my skull which made me to pass out almost immediately.


Waking up I saw myself in a master's bedroom. The room was massive and painted in grey and cream.
I was about comment on the decor when my eyes saw a a picture frame.
It was Maddox.

Ooh my God. Am in Maddox's bedroom.

I immediately got up and was about to stand when what I assumed as the bathroom door opened to reveal Maddox on a white robe and then as he smiled at me.
' already awake princess ' he asked and his smile turned to a frown when he looked all over me.
' or are you trying to escape?' I didn't answer but just gathered the courage to speak.
' am on my way to my room ' I said and moved to the door but as I opened it, the door slammed shut again with a loud this.
' this is now your new room ' he said.
' what !!!' I snapped.
' yeah, we are mates now ' he growled.
' you are going nuts. Firstly am not your mate, my mate is out there looking for me and secondly we aren't even mated to he called that ' I yelled.
' oooh really, you want to mate with me in order that you agree to sleep in the same room with me ?' he asked raising an eyebrow.
' hell no. Now can you let me out !!' I yelled hoping to get attention and leave.
But no I was wrong instead Maddox abruptly carried me to the bed and the threw me on till like I was a piece of clothes.
' since you want to be mated you will get what you asked for ' he said smiling at his words.
' what I never said anything like that ' I snapped trying to get away from him.
I found freedom and ran to the door but once again I was caught.
He flinged me to the bed but this time I landed painfully.
' you can't get away from me princess ' he smirked.
' am not your princess. Now let me go !!!!' I screamed.

Oh God come to my rescue right now.

He pinned me on the bed and the he smiled at his achievement and the kissed my forehead.

The s bastard.

Then my hands.

Son of a bitch.

Then my lips.


Soon he used his other hand to pull the hair around my neck.





This guys wants to mark me ???
Is he crazy ??
I can't let this happen.

I snapped out of my trance and then I saw that his canines were already out and it scared the hell out of me.

I had to do something now or never, I can't be marked by this monster.


his canines were already close enough and then I kicked him where I suppose you can guess and then he stumbled off me I stood up immedaitly and ran to the door.
I opened it but again I was late.


He pulled me to the wall and then pinned me to it.
' you know what, I was too kind to you and then this is what I get. Great ' he yelled and then continued from where he stopped and then I closed my eyes knowing that I had failed twice.
A tear dropped down my cheek and then I gulped.
Suddenly the door burst open.

Hello guys I updated as usual.
Love you all
Remember to comment and vote.

From your lovely author.

Valery 😘😘 😘

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